小山 貴之 中丸 宏二 相澤 純也
一般社団法人 日本アスレティックトレーニング学会
日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌 (ISSN:24326623)
vol.4, no.1, pp.67-72, 2018-10-31 (Released:2019-01-26)

本研究は,大学アメリカンフットボール選手の可動性不良群38名と可動性良好群14名を対象とし,可動性の改善を目的としたエクササイズを週3回,12週間実施した.可動性不良群において,Functional Movement Screen(FMS)のスコアは,合計スコアとDeep Squat(DS),Shoulder Mobility Reaching(SMR),Active Straight Leg Raising (ASLR)に12週時点で有意な改善が認められた.SMRとASLRは可動性が必要な動作であり,本研究で実施したエクササイズにより,可動性の項目だけでなく複雑な動作パターンであるDSの改善にも寄与することが示唆された.
今宿 裕 朝倉 雅史 作野 誠一 嶋崎 雅規
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.18078, (Released:2019-05-10)

The present study had 3 objectives. First, we aimed to categorize the effectiveness of participation in school athletic clubs in accordance with findings from preceding studies (study 1). Second, studies on the effectiveness of athletic club activities were to be organized by generation with the changes observed in each generation also described with a view towards clarifying research tasks (study 2). Third, we aimed to clarify the effectiveness of athletic club activities that had not yet been demonstrated in previous research (study 3). In study 1, when we categorized the effectiveness of athletic club activities, we confirmed the construct, the subscale, and the observable variable that determined effectiveness in each study. Each concept was grouped based on similarity and made types having higher degree. The categories we derived were "school adjustment"; "scholastic ability"; "character"; "stress and mental health"; "psychosocial development"; "physical growth and development"; "sport as a habit"; "attitude towards sports"; "fatigue"; "lifestyle"; and "others". In study 2, when we investigated the transition of studies on the effectiveness of athletic club activities, we focused on the problem establishment in these studies. This was considered while examining the association between each problem establishment and social background or policies of the day. As a result, at first, researchers continued selecting students who participated in athletic clubs as appropriate subjects for examining the effectiveness of physical exercise or sports activity. Second, researchers are also interested in the negative effectiveness of participation in athletic clubs. Positive trends are particularly strong for "school adjustment" and "stress and mental health" studies conducted after 1998. Third, studies that demonstrated significance or effectiveness of athletic club activities increased after 1983, and the effectiveness that were determined diversified since that time. Researchers found out various significance and effectiveness of athletic club activities, and recognition of the potential for athletic club activities to address issues also increased. It can be said that we researchers don’t reach a common understanding on the significance and effectiveness of athletic club activities. In study 3, we brought attention to the effectiveness of athletic club activities that had been overlooked in previous studies by comparing effectiveness as determined in empirical studies how it had been determined in theoretical studies. Unnoticed effectiveness of athletic club activities was the acquisition of abilities and attributes necessary for developing sports society and culture.
柳父 優子
法政大学大学院紀要 (ISSN:03872610)
no.50, pp.174-160, 2003

5 0 0 0 OA 新刊吾妻鏡

[土師聊卜] [訓点]
vol.巻4-5, 1626
松宮 智生
国士舘大学体育研究所報 = The annual reports of health physical education and sport science (ISSN:03892247)
vol.35, pp.19-27, 2017-03-31

In sports, athletes are divided by sex for most events. Since 1966, various methods have been used in testing to confirm sex. In some instances where competitors have been disqualified from women’s events, however, that testing has violated personal privacy and its results have yielded information unknown even to the competitors. Currently, the criteria for women are set based on levels of testosterone produced in the body, but the obvious reality is that there are no absolute standards that allow for clear distinctions between men and women. Various sexual identities are currently recognized, and systems are being developed to protect the rights of sexual minorities. Division of the sexes is considered a given in sports, but new systems of categories will probably need to be designed for sports as well. This paper presents a tentative proposal regarding competition formats as a basis for future discussions. Systems such as open categories that are open to both sexes and categories that are not segregated by sex could enable sports participants to approach their bodies and their sexual identities in a positive manner.
佐藤 亮介 田村 良一
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18845258)
vol.18, no.1, pp.139-145, 2019 (Released:2019-02-28)

In order to increase the number of videos playback, we researched on the thumbnail images and the titles which were selected by the viewers. We built the samples and conducted the questionnaires in order to reveal the factors that make a great influence on the evaluation and be clear about the positive levels. We revealed the viewers decide the videos under the influence of the images rather than sentences and words. Also, Images factors are particularly effective for males. On the other hand, females are more affected by sentences and words than males. This research revealed the guidelines that YouTuber creates thumbnail images and titles and the elements to incorporate according to the target the males or the females. As a starting point of this research, we will be able to conduct more detailed research on thumbnail images and titles.

8 0 0 0 OA 論文詩

多田 満
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.68, no.1, pp.59-63, 2018 (Released:2018-04-06)

77 0 0 0 OA 停車場一覧

小崎 雄大 木谷 庸二
一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 日本デザイン学会 第65回春季研究発表大会
pp.472-473, 2018 (Released:2018-06-21)

神田 文人 Fuhito Kanda 敬愛大学環境情報研究所 Institute of Environmental Studies Keiai University
環境情報研究 = Journal of Environmental Studies
no.7, pp.95-102, 1999-04-30

The purpose of this article is to explain two points. 1) How Yahagi, which was one of Sakura 7-Maki and a horse pasture in Edo Era, became Toyomi Settlement located in Toyoma village (present Narita city), Kuga village (present Tako town) and Osuga village (present Taiei town) in the early Meiji Era. 2) How these were settlements in "reconnaissance records" of the Army's General Staff Office.
高田 洋子 Yoko TAKADA
環境情報研究 = Journal of Environmental Studies
no.11, pp.57-72, 2003-04-30

The purpose of this paper, (the second part of an aricle first published in 2000), is to make clear the social characteristics of the area in and around Narita and Sakura (Shimousa), comparing "the opening process" with that of the Mekong delta. The writer discusses how the epoch-making development of the Shimousa plateau during the Meiji period came about due to its natural environment despite difficulties with land use and government settlement policies. The writer focuses principally on Tomisato, an area southeast of Inba lake near Narita and Sakura. In contrast with the Mekong delta, a large amount of archaeological and historical evidences tracing the process of deforestation has been discovered in this low land and plateau region. Based on historical documentation, the social structure of medieval (12th century) Tomisato is examined including that of Shimousakoku Intousyo Goujison Kyoumyo. The writer notes that Kenchi was undertaken in this area at the end of the 16th century and contrasts the Kenchi-cho with Dia ba of the 19th century Vietnam. The writer further evaluates the advanced policies of the Japanese authorities in their more direct control of land and people. In 1722 Edo Bakuhu advanced the so-called Kyoho-Kaikaku project to clear land and increase taxation. The writer notes that once local residents had finished completely opening low lands to rice cultivation in their village, they found that they could not clear the adjoining diluvial plateau due to serious troubles with its soil. This was despite the fact that the Edo government allowed cultivation of its public land, Makiba. At the beginning of Meiji period, the villages of Nanae and Tokura were established on the Tomisato plateau. This was part of a relocation project by the new government to help reduce social tentions in Tokyo where unemployment was becoming a problem. The writer details methods used to recruit laborers for the project, listing demographic information sucn as age, former occupation and influence on the area's development. (continued)
高田 洋子 Yoko Takada 敬愛大学環境情報研究所 Institute of Environmental Studies Keiai University
環境情報研究 = Journal of Environmental Studies
no.8, pp.5-13, 2000-04-30

This study is one part of a cooperative study entitled "Empirical Research on the Social and Cultural Charactaristics of the surrounding areas of Sanrizuka, Narita-city, Chiba-prefecture." The writer focuses on the historical changes in the Boso peninsula of Chiba Prefecture brought by the reclamation policy of the Meiji Government that was carried on in Shimousa. This was a designed for unemployed samurais and the destitute of Tokyo to clear woodlands on the Simousa Plateau. The names of the hamlets that were founded by settlers still remain in north western Shimousa. The purpose of this study is to examine more closely the long-term historical development of the origins of settlement in the Sanrizuka area located in Shimousa after World War II. The writer will compare the process of the opening up of the Shimousa Plateau with the clearing of the Mekong Delta in the next issue.
宇杉 和夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.518, pp.189-195, 1999-04-30 (Released:2017-02-03)

This paper describes the relationship between basic spatial recognition and landscaping In Japan. Landscaping m Japan is based on the concept and idea of "Creation and Generation of Space". There is a spatial concept that I call "Space of Island" that has a symbolic position in above mentioned relationship. The story of "The Creation of the Main 8 Islands of Japan" in Japanese mythology teaches us the framework on spatial recognition to understand the meaning of variable landscapes and scenery in Japan. This study clarifies conceptions and patterns on composition of "Spatial Axis" as "Creation and Generation of Space".