佐藤 雅男
専修人文論集 (ISSN:03864367)
vol.87, pp.121-148, 2010-10-20
髙山 亨太

細谷 篤志
国文学研究資料館紀要 アーカイブズ研究篇 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature, Archival Studies (ISSN:24363340)
vol.52, no.17, pp.81-111, 2021-03-29

本稿では、近世朝廷における組織的な記録管理の実態について、口向を事例に検討した。 口向とは、近世において御所の日常業務を管掌した組織・空間のことで、そこに勤仕し た実務担当者を口向役人という。彼らは、朝廷内での広範な実務や雑務に対応した役職に 就き、朝廷の円滑な運営に貢献した。また、江戸幕府から派遣された旗本の禁裏付武家が 実質的に口向役人の任免を司ったことから、口向は幕府による朝廷統制の末端に位置づい ていたといえる。 その役人集団のなかに、文書・記録管理に専従する役職として「日記役」があった。正 徳5年(1715)の設置以来、幕末まで計64名の就任が確認される。同役が筆録した記録 には「禁裏執次所日記」があり、その一部である計71冊が宮内庁書陵部に現存している。 収載内容は、口向役人に関する事柄のほか、朝廷の年中行事や、天皇・公家らの相続、幕府・ 諸大名による朝廷献上物など、きわめて多岐にわたる。 同記録は、口向の筆頭職「取次」が職務上の必要から利用したものと思われるが、その作成や簡便な利用のために、日記役を中心として口向の諸職が組織的に動員された。さら に記録の情報源は、朝廷の各部署などから取次にもたらされた文書類が中心であったと みられる。したがって、朝廷全体での出来事を総括した公的記録たる「禁裏執次所日記」 の管理は、口向の組織的基盤と取次の情報集積機能によって存立していたと考えられる。The example of “Kuchimuki” is used in this paper to examine the actual circumstances of systematic records management in the early modern imperial court. “Kuchimuki” refers to the organization responsible for the daily work of the early modern imperial palace. The persons in charge of the organization’s business are known as “Kuchimuki-yakunin”. These individuals hold positions that correspond to various businesses in the imperial court and contribute to its smooth operation. Among these groups of officials, there is a position known as “Nikki-yaku” that is dedicated to records management. These individuals write the Kinri-Toritsugisho-Nikki, in which various events of the imperial court have been recorded. Seventy-one books still exist in the archives and the Mausolea Department of the Imperial Household Agency. These records were thought to be used by “Toritsugi”, the primary profession of “Kuchimuki”, because of its duties. The various “Kuchimuki” professions were systematically mobilized for its creation and simplified use centering on “Nikki-yaku”. The information sources for these records were also thought to center on the documents brought to “Toritsugi” by each department of the imperial court.
UNESCO UNITWIN Network for Underwater Archaeology 岩淵 聡文

ユネスコ水中考古学大学連携ネットワーク [編] ; 岩淵聡文訳
尾沼 玄也 加藤 林太郎
拓殖大学日本語教育研究 = Journal of research in teaching Japanese language (ISSN:24239224)
vol.6, pp.57-74, 2021-03-25

佐藤 一光 吉弘 憲介
vol.62, no.4, pp.227-252, 2021-03-22

This paper proposes a money flow analysis to analyze the functioning oflocal government finances, in which transfers and transfers and fiscaladjustment in a region are captured in an integrated manner. Fiscaladjustment can be understood as the inflow and outflow of base money in aregion through taxes and subsidies. The reasons for the need to analyzefiscal adjustment and the regional economy in an integrated manner are: 1)the supply of fiscal services dependent on taxation autonomy may bedetrimental to the sustainability of the regional economy when the right toissue currency is limited, and 2) the development of monetary theory hasled to a shift in the analysis of regional money flows from short-term to Wefind not only an imbalance between supply and demand, but also arecognizable long-term, stable purchasing power, and 3) money flowadjustment in the local economy in FITs other than taxes and subsidies.We first examine the effects of transfers and fiscal adjustment in Japan’sprefectures. We find that the national tax burden undermines regionalpurchasing power, while subsidies support regional purchasing power.However, even after taking into account the effects of these fiscaladjustments, the results revealed significant excess money flow inflows, asin Tokyo, and excess money flow outflows, as observed in somemunicipalities. Although the analysis of money flows, such as commutingand financial transactions, remains inadequate, it confirms that Japan hasan economic structure with sustained or growing regional imbalances.We next analyze the money flows through the FIT in Japan bymunicipality. We found that the FIT has a significant impact on the moneyflows of municipalities, depending on the characteristics of each region,such as the regions with high and low renewable energy penetration, aswell as the regions with high and low electricity consumption. The inflowand outflow of money flows are shown on a map of Japan in order tovisually understand the regional characteristics. In addition, in assessingthe money flows in each municipality, we have represented the balance oftaxable income per capita and money flows in each municipality on themap. It is confirmed, however, that in some cases, depending on theprevalence of renewable energy and other factors, it is working in thedirection of strengthening the economic power gap between regions.Fiscal adjustment is a system of subsidies to local governments, fundedby national taxation, to cover the fiscal needs of a region. However, Japan’scurrent fiscal adjustment system is inadequate to redress regionaleconomic power disparities both in the short and long run. Our analysisshows that the institutional adjustment of interregional economic power,which is not based on taxes and subsidies, has the same function as thefiscal adjustment, and for FIT, we found that the promotion of renewableenergy has a function of interregional economic power adjustment, but it isnot uniform depending on the situation of local resources, etc.
北條 文緒
vol.27, no.2, pp.83-115, 1977-03-20

This essay, which is intended as an introductory chapter for the essays on Godwin, Bulwer-Lytton, Dickens, and Thackeray which I have already published, explores the social and historical context in which the so-called Newgate Novel of mainly the 1830's and 40's should be read. My conclusions are as follows: There are two categories of popular literature which were read even by half-illiterate English people and which seem to have contributed greatly to the conception of the protagonists of the Newgate novels. One consisted of crime news, ranging from penny broadside to The Newgate Calendar, the first standard edition of which was published in 1771. This Calendar was a voluminous collection of the accounts of lives, crimes, trials, and executions of notorious criminals. The numerous editions that followed made The Newgate Calendar a best seller throughout the nineteenth century. The other category is represented by Foxe's Book of Martyrs which, first published in the sixteenth century and used as a sort of companion volume to the Bible in English churches, became one of the most influential books of its time. To this category also belong sensational stories of the Inquisition and martyrdom which appeared in various Methodist magazines at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The two types of stories presented by these two genres (one dealing with criminals, the other, with martyrs), always told in an impersonal, matter-of-fact style and illustrated by crude engravings, seem to have overlapped in the imagination of English people and imprinted there one archetypal image of the martyr-criminal or the scapegoat-criminal. It is this image that seems to have inspired the heroes of the Newgate novels, and it is worthwhile to inquire in each Newgate novel in what way this archetypal image is modified, distorted, or intensified by the idiosyncrasies of its author. What triggered the emergence of such progagonists in the specific period of the 1830 was a heightened awareness of the social evils which were generally
山田 眞知子
北方圏生活福祉研究所年報 = Bulletin of Northern Regions Research Center for Human Service Studies (ISSN:1342761X)
vol.12, pp.39-46, 2006

久川 太郎 ヒサガワ タロウ
vol.10, no.1, pp.38-54, 1975-07