松本 泰章 中川 晶 小林 剛史 山本 晃輔 岩崎 陽子 真板 昭夫 杉原 百合子

植木 雄志 高橋 剛史 太田 久幸 正道 隆介 山崎 恵介 梅津 哉 堀井 新
日本内分泌・甲状腺外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:21869545)
vol.37, no.1, pp.55-59, 2020 (Released:2020-06-16)

【症例】71歳女性。骨粗鬆症で加療を受けていたが高カルシウム血症を指摘され,当院に紹介となった。FDG-PETで副甲状腺腫瘍と骨への多数の集積を認め,99mTc-MIBIシンチグラフィでは左下副甲状腺への強い集積と,骨病変への弱い集積を認めた。シナカルセトを投与するも高カルシウム血症が改善しないため腫瘍摘出術を施行したところ,病理診断は副甲状腺癌であった。術後血清カルシウム,PTH-intactは正常化した。術後1年経過した時点でFDG-PET再検したところ,骨病変の集積は消退し,硬化性変化が進行していたため,Brown tumorの合併であったと判断した。【まとめ】副甲状腺癌とBrown tumorの合併はきわめて稀であるが,副甲状腺腫瘍に骨病変を伴う場合はBrown tumorを念頭に置き原発巣切除後の画像検査で骨病変の評価を行うことで,侵襲的な検査・治療を回避できる可能性が考えられた。
鈴木 郁 後藤 剛史 滝口 俊男 徳本 匠
人間工学 (ISSN:05494974)
vol.37, no.3, pp.105-111, 2001-06-15
永見 智行 小宮山 悟 彼末 一之 諸星 潤 大室 康平 茶川 剛史 勝亦 陽一 氏原 洋輔 子安 大士 前川 仁
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2008, pp.108-111, 2008
1 1

The authors have recently developed a system for analyzing the spin on a baseball (Koseki et al., 2007). In the present study we analyzed the spin pitched by a professional pitcher. He pitched eight different pitches, each twice, from official pitching mound. The image of ball in the period from just before to 500 ms after the ball release was taken with a high speed video camera at 1000 fps. English alphabets E, M, A, and I were marked on the ball for image processing. Feature points from the image stream were assembled into a set of linear equations that represents orientation change between consecutive two frames by rotation matrix R, and the direction of spin axis and spin rate were obtained. Both values varied considerably depending on pitches. The recording of spin was suggested to be valuable for training if the data could be combined with those of motion analysis.
秋葉 剛史
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2010, no.61, pp.149-164_L9, 2010 (Released:2011-01-18)

According to the widely accepted correspondence theory of truth, each atomic contingent truth has its own truth-maker, i.e., an entity existing in the world that makes contingent proposition true. And at least for the metaphysical realist, the first and obvious candidates for truth-maker are entities called “facts” or “states of affairs”. These are entities normally designated by expressions like “a's being F” or “the fact that a is F”.Although it seems natural to assume that states of affairs exist, there is a famous objection to this assumption, known as “Bradley's regress”. Roughly put, the objection proceeds as follows. The states of affairs are supposed to be complex entities. However, what accounts for the unity of constituents in the state of affairs, say, Fa? If one appeals to the exemplification relation E to bind the constituents a and F together, the explanatory job is not yet finished. For, in that case, the unity of a, F, and E now raises the same problem. It is no use to add further and further exemplification relations E', E'', E'''..., because each time one adds a new relation, one gets only a new explanatory task, and never the unity of a and F. Thus, since the unity of constituents cannot be accounted for, the assumption that states of affairs exist should be regarded as groundless.Against this objection, F. Orilia replies as follows. Though the regress objection above seems to seriously threaten the assumption that states of affairs exist, in fact it does not. For, the thought that there is an infinite explanatory sequence does not involve any inconsistency. As for myself, I agree with him as far as his last claim is concerned, namely the claim that there is no inconsistency in the idea of infinite explanatory sequence. However, I disagree with him as far as the evaluation of the regress objection is concerned. I claim that the alleged explanatory sequence generated in the regress objection is in fact vacant in its explanatory power, and hence that this objection in any way shows the failure of explanatory task.
池田 裕美 山口 剛史 小平 桃子 Bahry M. A. Chowdhury V. S. 安尾 しのぶ 古瀬 充宏
Japanese Society of Pet Animal Nutrition
ペット栄養学会誌 (ISSN:13443763)
vol.20, no.1, pp.47-58, 2017-04-10 (Released:2017-05-02)

柿沼 伸良 相田 卓 佐藤 剛史 阿尻 雅文 新井 邦夫
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
石炭科学会議発表論文集 第38回石炭科学会議 (ISSN:24238295)
pp.123-126, 2001-11-13 (Released:2017-03-22)

Taiheiyo coal extraction experiments with supercritical water (SCW) and SCW-Phenol mixtures were conducted at 400℃ and 25MPa using a semi-continuous apparatus. With increasing the concentration of phenol, the extraction yield increased up to 80wt%-daf. Extraction yield of Yallourn coal extraction shows 80wt%-daf, while that of Adaro coal shows 65wt%-daf with the SCW-PhOH (80wt%) mixtures. Mechanism of the co-solvent reactive extraction was discussed based on the analysis of the products. This suggests the capping effect of phenol to prevent from polymerization of products.
村上 周三 出口 清孝 後藤 剛史 上原 清
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.287, pp.99-109, 1980-01-30 (Released:2017-08-22)
1 1

Experiments concerned with wind effects on pedestrians are described. The experiments consisted three parts. In Part I (1975) walking tests were conducted in a large wind tunnel. In Part II (1976) walking tests were held in a precinct at the base of a high-rise building. Part III (1978) consisted of observations of pedestrians again in a precinct at the base of a high-rise building. In Rart I and Part II, 5 to 10 persons were used as subjects and movie records of their footsteps were analysed. In Part III, movie records taken by video camera of over 2000 pedestrians were analysed, as to footstep-irregularity and body-balance. Based on these three-part experiments, the following criteria are proposed for evaluating wind effects on pedestrians : u<5m/s no effect 5<u<10 some effect 10<u<15 serious effect 15<u extremely serious effect here u=instantaneous wind speed averaged over 3 seconds. These criteria are the same with or a little more severe than the one proposed by Hunt et al., and are considerably more severe than others.
上杉 光臣 森川 美紀 磯田 真理 大津 顕司 椙本 剛史 西田 美紗子 宮本 啓治 有川 功
東海北陸理学療法学術大会誌 第27回東海北陸理学療法学術大会
pp.95, 2011 (Released:2011-12-22)

【目的】肩甲骨上方回旋は肩関節外転90°で鎖骨挙上および鎖骨後退,鎖骨後方回旋により生じるとされているが臨床的に重視されてこなかった.本症例は治療前の肩甲帯外転機能X-p検査から肩関節外転45°,90°,最終域で鎖骨の挙上が不足し, 肩関節外転90°で肩甲骨の上方回旋が不足していた.治療後の肩甲帯外転機能X-p検査では鎖骨の挙上,肩甲骨の上方回旋が改善していた.鎖骨の挙上,肩甲骨の上方回旋が改善したことによって関節窩,烏口肩峰アーチが上方へ向き,上腕骨頭の滑り,転がり,外旋が起こりやすくなった.本症例を通じて肩甲骨の上方回旋を十分に引き出すためには鎖骨の挙上が不可欠であることを学んだので以下に報告する.【方法】有痛性肩関節外転制動症の一症例に対し段階的診療を行った.評価対象動作は立位で前腕中間位の肩関節外転動作とした.初診時の治療前と3診時の治療後に肩甲帯外転機能X-p検査を行った.肩甲帯外転機能X-p検査は上腕骨,鎖骨,肩甲骨,脊柱が観察できるように撮影した.撮影肢位は立位で前腕中間位とした.肩関節外転0°,45°,90°,最終域で撮影した.X-p検査の撮影は医師の指示のもと放射線技師が行った.エコー機器はGE Healthcare LOGIQ P6を使用した.対象者にはヘルシンキ宣言に基づき本研究の趣旨を説明し,同意を得た.【結果】患者情報:30代男性.現病歴:2週間前から突然左肩が痛くなった.それ以前から左肩の後外側に時々痛みがあった.主訴:左肩を挙上したり,挙上位から下降する時に痛い.初診時所見:左肩関節外転90°時に疼痛が出現した.最終域まで外転可能であった.初診時の評価と治療では筋肉機能不全の評価と治療と関節機能不全の評価と治療を行った.左肩関節外転90°で疼痛が出現した.触知圧迫テストを行った.左上腕二頭筋・腕頭骨筋・棘下筋・僧帽筋上部により左肩関節外転90°での疼痛が消失した.左上腕三頭筋・広背筋・僧帽筋下部では疼痛に変化はなかった.左上腕二頭筋・腕橈骨筋・棘下筋・僧帽筋上部に伸縮性テープを貼付した.左肩関節外転100°で疼痛が出現した.肩甲骨上方回旋テープと下方回旋テープを貼付し,疼痛出現までの角度,外転動作時の円滑さ,本症例の主観的な外転しやすさを評価した.改善が見られた方を採用した.鎖骨肩峰肩甲棘テープ,鎖骨後方回旋テープ,鎖骨後退後方回旋テープに関しても同様に評価し,改善が見られた方を採用した.肩甲骨上方回旋テープと鎖骨後方回旋テープを貼付した.左肩関節外転110°で疼痛が出現した.2,3診時は疼痛なく左肩関節外転最終域まで動作可能だった.初診日より5日目に運動器超音波検査を行った.棘上筋の不全断裂が観察された.肩関節外転動作時に上腕骨頭が肩峰をスムーズにくぐりぬける様子が観察された.初診時治療前と3診時治療後の肩甲帯外転機能X-p検査を比べて肩関節外転45°では鎖骨の挙上が増加し,上腕骨頭の外旋と尾側への滑りが改善した.肩関節外転90°では鎖骨の挙上が増加し,肩甲骨の上方回旋が増加した.また,上腕骨頭の外旋が改善した.肩関節外転最終域では鎖骨の挙上が増加し,鎖骨の後退,後方回旋が減少した.【考察】肩関節外転90°では鎖骨はおよそ30°挙上し,それに伴い肩甲骨が上方回旋する.本症例は肩関節外転時の鎖骨の挙上が不足していたため肩関節外転90°で肩甲骨の上方回旋が不足していたと考えた.上腕二頭筋テープ,腕橈骨筋テープ,棘下筋テープにより肩関節外転45°,90°での上腕骨頭の外旋と尾側への滑りが改善した.僧帽筋上部線維テープ,肩甲骨上方回旋テープにより肩関節外転時45°,90°,最終域での鎖骨の挙上と肩関節外転90°時の肩甲骨の上方回旋が増加した.鎖骨の挙上,肩甲骨の上方回旋が改善したことによって関節窩,烏口肩峰アーチが上方へ向き,上腕骨頭の滑り,転がり,外旋が起こりやすくなった.【まとめ】本症例を通じて肩甲骨の上方回旋を十分に引き出すためには鎖骨の挙上が不可欠であることを学んだ.
飯田 剛史 芦田 徹郎
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.25, no.2, pp.83-118,149, 1980-12-31 (Released:2017-02-28)

Oomoto, a new religion founded in 1892, is notable for its charismatic leaders and two harsh suppressions by militarist governments (1921, 1935). after World war II the order has been rebuilt,and now has about 160,000 affiliates. The findings of our research (in 1979; number of the subjects: 76 families, 181 persons) are as follows. There is not much difference in social characterbetween our subjects and the rest of the citizens. Our subjects comprise members of the first generation (43%), second (29%) and third (21%). They have the fundamental beliefs common to Japanese traditional religious patterns. Those beliefs and services are practised among them at a high rate. The membership of the families is almost stationary. ' The deprivation theory" of conversion is not applicable to most of the members. Through the influence of the family, most of them accept Oomoto as the family religion. As for the degrees of the commitment,these fall into three groups. 1. Deeply committed (24%). They have the title "Missionary", but are not necessarily eager about the mission. Their average age is high. 2. Committed (54%) Theyobserve everyday services strictly or loosely. Two-thirds of them are women. 3. Indifferent (23%). One of the most notable teachings of Oomoto is "to renew and rebuild theworld". It was a messianistic appeal and wasconnected with the Buddhist millenarian belief in the world of "Miroku". There have been various interpretations of this teaching in the order. Today the most dominant (33 %) is one that lays emphasis on the renewal of each individual'ssoul.(A few have the eschatological interpretation : 5%). This interpretation does not deny logically the implication of social change. But practically, most of our subjects have lost interest in social change. Most of them are content with their life and work. And the belief in their god is characterized by the gratitude and intimacy foward him who support^their everyday life and the continuity of their amcestry. The portrait of the Oomoto affiliates by our research is much different from that of the prewar period, based mainly on literary documents. We can see at least that the teachings' once considered "the most radical idea of reformation by modern Japanese populace", have, in the interpretation and practice of the affiliates, been reconciled with the everyday life of today. We do not intend to estimate negatively this state of belief. We might then not study the problem of belief from the dualistic vieue,ie. sacred vs profane, but inguire into everyday life as something which embraces the sacred, dynamically and historically.
羽鳥 剛史
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学) (ISSN:21856540)
vol.72, no.3, pp.231-247, 2016 (Released:2016-09-20)

清島 亮 小柳 和夫 中川 基人 永瀬 剛司 岡林 剛史 田渕 悟 小澤 壯治 金井 歳雄
一般社団法人 日本消化器外科学会
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.43, no.9, pp.990-995, 2010-09-01 (Released:2011-12-27)
1 1

食道癌根治術後の難治性頻脈性不整脈は頻度の高い合併症の一つである.我々は食道癌術後上室性頻脈性不整脈に対して短時間作用型β1選択的遮断薬(塩酸ランジオロール)を投与し有効に作用した5症例を経験した.いずれも術前の心電図や心臓超音波検査で異常は認めなかった.頻脈性不整脈は術後2ないし3日目に発生した.塩酸ランジオロール投与は2例目まではジギタリス製剤もしくは塩酸ベラパミル投与の無効症例に,その後の3例は第1選択として使用した.投与開始量は,1例目は20 μg/kg/分,2例目からは2 μg/kg/分で,適宜増減した.脈拍数はいずれの症例も塩酸ランジオロール開始数分後に減少し,投与中に収縮期血圧は低下しなかった.塩酸ランジオロールは半減期が短く調節性に優れており,食道癌術後の頻脈性不整脈に対しても有用であると考えられた.
田中 敬大 齋藤 剛史 吉村 翔 細沼 栞 堂前 伸 堀田 拓
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
vol.46, pp.E-189_1-E-189_1, 2019

<p>【はじめに】</p><p> 急性期における脳卒中罹患後の早期離床の有用性については様々な因子の検証が行われている. 先行研究では, 早期の離床は身体機能の向上に大きな影響を与えると重要視されている一方で, 脳卒中罹患後24時間以内の超早期に離床し, 通常群と比較した研究では, 3ヶ月後に良好な転帰を示さなかったとの報告もある. このように脳卒中罹患後の早期離床の是非に関しては統一された見解がない.</p><p> 脳卒中罹患後の歩行に関しては, 早期にリハビリテーション (以下リハビリ) が介入することで有意に歩行を獲得出来たという報告はあるが, 早期に離床することが直接歩行の獲得に有効かどうかの報告はない. そこで本研究は脳卒中罹患後の離床時期による差が, 歩行の獲得に関連するかを検証した.</p><p>【方法】</p><p> 対象は2014年1月1日から2016年12月31日の間, 東京歯科大学市川総合病院脳卒中センターに入院し, リハビリが介入した脳卒中患者724名のうち, 入院期間中に歩行を獲得した176名 (男性115名 女性61名 年齢70±11) と歩行を獲得出来なかった304名 (男性277名 女性127名 年齢74±12) を対象とした. 本研究の歩行獲得はFunctional Independence Measure (以下FIM) の移動の項目の歩行で5点以上とした. 除外基準はくも膜下出血の診断を受けた者, 入院前のFIMの移動の項目の歩行で5点未満の者とした. </p><p> 方法は, 超早期離床群 (脳卒中罹患後24時間以内に離床) , 早期離床群 (脳卒中罹患後24時間から72時間以内に離床) , 離床遅延群 (脳卒中罹患後72時間以降に離床) の各群で歩行を獲得した人数をフィッシャーの正確検定にて群間比較した. また離床時期と歩行獲得の可否を目的変数,Brunnstrom Recovery Stage (以下Br.stage) を説明変数として多変量解析した. また歩行には離床と運動麻痺のどちらが寄与するかを重回帰分析にて解析した. 統計解析にはR (Ver2.4.1)を使用した. </p><p>【結果】</p><p> 離床時期別に比較すると超早期離床群の方が他の2群と比較して有意に歩行を獲得できた割合が高かった (p<0.01) . また全ての離床時期の歩行獲得群と歩行未獲得群でBr.stageを比較した結果, 歩行未獲得群に比べ歩行獲得群の方がBr.stageの値が有意に高かった (p<0.01) . さらに歩行の獲得に離床時期とBr.stageのどちらが強く関連しているか比較した結果, 有意にBr.stageの方が関連した (B=0.68, p<0.01) . </p><p>【考察】</p><p> 本研究より脳卒中罹患後の歩行獲得は離床遅延群よりも超早期離床群が有意に高かったが, 離床時期と運動麻痺の程度を比較すると, 運動麻痺の方が歩行獲得に際し,より関連していることが示唆された. </p><p> 本研究では運動麻痺と離床時期の解析を行ったが, その他の因子についても今後検証していく必要がある.</p><p>【倫理的配慮,説明と同意】</p><p>本研究は東京歯科大学市川総合病院倫理審査委員会 (承認番号Ⅰ17‐55) および東京歯科大学市川総合病院病院長の承認を得た.</p>
丸井 淳己 則 のぞみ 榊 剛史 1 森純 一郎 Marui 1 Junki Nori 2 Nozomi Sakaki 1 3 Takeshi Mori 1 Junichiro
vol.B4, no.01, pp.51-56, 2014-07-24

It is now common to have a conversation with others on social media. Many research have been taken to see the community structure on social media, but there are few studies that apply link-based community (link community) detection on a large social network. Link community detection allows users to belong to more than one community. We improve the method of existing link community detection of Ahn et al., which extracts many small communities. We evaluate existing and proposing methods by network indexes, and we characterize link communities from users' biographies. We found that link communities sharing users have similar characteristics from biographies.
小野 悠 尾﨑 信 片岡 由香 羽鳥 剛史 羽藤 英二
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.755, pp.167-177, 2019 (Released:2019-01-30)

The Urban Design Centers (UDCs) in Japan are practical urban design platforms for public–private–academic collaboration with three characteristics: space planning by collaboration, initiatives of experts, and a hub facility open to all people. This paper explores possibilities and challenges for UDCs in built-up areas in major provincial cities, through the UDC Matsuyama (UDCM) case-study. UDCM was established in 2014 to revitalize Matsuyama City center. Interviews of people involved in UDCM, literature surveys, and participant observations were performed. Investigations showed the following achievements and problems of UDCM. (1) Space planning by collaboration ·The double-tiered systems - a governing organization as a collaboration hub and an executing organization - enables experts to engage and collaborate in various field activities. Money management by the university counteracts the funders' influence. ·To create an appealing urban space, UDCM participates in urban renewal projects in a variety of ways. Shortly after its establishment, UDCM participated in the conventional project planning process, using connections with local government. Once UDCM's performance became known, private enterprises and local organizations directly contacted UDCM for consultation and project support. (2) Initiatives of experts ·It was necessary for UDCM to formulate a vision for the city to share with many stakeholders and to position its role. However, during start-up, UDCM relinquished this formulating vision for two reasons: it was difficult for a new vision to be consistent with existing plans if positioned within the planning framework of local government; and, if positioned as UDCM's own, it risked being unsupported because UDCM initially had no performance record. Following better understanding of UDCM's role and effect, discussions restarted in the third year toward producing a vision for the city. ·UDCM achieves a balance between specialized and local knowledge, and between practical and research power, using experts in many fields including academics with specialized knowledge and skills, retired local government employees with broad human resources and local knowledge, and private experts with rich field experience. ·Human resource development is critical in provincial cities experiencing a continuing drain of young people to large cities. UDCM enhances the community's power through a variety of programs. (3) Hub facility open to all ·Establishing rules for use and operation of the facility through lively and engaging discussions with residents, within the pilot program framsework, enabled organized operation of the facility in the city center where many stakeholders are present. ·The hub facility is used in different ways according to citizens' needs: a place to rest for people with little interest in urban design; and, for people with an active interest, to provide relevant information for beginners and to hold events and participate in human resource development. The UDCM case-study demonstrated three important points in adopting UDCs in built-up areas in major provincial cities, which have complex relationship among numerous stakeholders. ·Produce a visible result by flexibly participating in public and private urban renewal projects in a variety of ways under the organizational structure by public–private–academic collaboration. ·Formulate a vision for the city to share with many stakeholders, and move into action to realize it, in cooperation with citizens and experts in many fields inside and outside the city. ·Establish rules for use and operation of the hub facility through discussions with neighbors.