山本 りりこ
メルロ=ポンティ研究 (ISSN:18845479)
vol.25, pp.55-72, 2021 (Released:2021-11-06)

This paper focuses on the description of the depth developed by Jules Lagneau in “Cours sur la perception”(Courses on perception) which Maurice Merleau-Ponty pointed out in Phénoménologie de la perception (Phenomenology of perception) as intellectualistic, and examines the validity of the indication. Lagneau’s theory of vision is characterized by the following three points: first, “prévoir” (preview) which is the physical sense impression made by the active function of the spirit is a condition for the establishment of perception; second, the active function of the spirit in perception is unconscious when perception is functioning smoothly, which indicates the paradoxical relationship between activeness and consciousness; and third, both physiology and psychology are used in this approach, with Maine de Biran’s “effort” concept applied to the theory of vision. These characteristics show that Lagneau’s ideas do not fit into the intellectualist framework pointed out by Merleau-Ponty. Lagneau incorporates both rational judgment and physicality into his theory of perception, and recognizes a kind of collaborative relationship between mind and body, where the active function of the spirit in perception is emphasized, while physical sensations are never neglected. “Cours sur la perception” includes some discussions connecting to later phenomenology.
山本 りりこ
メルロ=ポンティ研究 (ISSN:18845479)
vol.24, pp.21-39, 2020 (Released:2020-12-09)

This paper focuses on the texts on hearing in “Cours sur la perception” included in Jules Lagneau’s Célèbres leçons et fragments, and discusses active judgement of the spirit related to the function of hearing, confirming the characteristics of various elements constructing music. The texts on hearing are distinctive in that they include descriptions on art, or more specifically, music, while the texts on vision and touch describes extension in general. While Merleau-Ponty criticized Lagneau in Phénoménologie de la perception, focusing on Lagneau’s texts on vision, this paper dares to focus on those on hearing. The latter texts are undoubtedly one of the clearest manifestations of active (and therefore highly evaluated) function of the spirit that Lagneau emphasized throughout the argument on perception. But they might be considered as a device of Lagneau to introduce “émotion” as the third term into the cartesian dualism. Using Lagneau’s concepts of “modification” and “attente”(expectation / waiting), this paper points out that perception in his understanding is not unmediated, but something more complicated, mediated and reconstructed, which is supported, not without endeavors, by active judgment of the spirit.