中田 達也
法政治研究 (ISSN:21894124)
vol.First, pp.265-312, 2015-03-29 (Released:2017-07-06)

Disciplines on fisheries subsidies have been discussed continuously even after the breakdown (2008) of WTO Doha Round. Specially after USA participated in all TPP fields, TPP has been paid hot attention all through the world. Recently lots of states have made attempt to create new international trade rules through the formation and accumulation of Free Trade Agreements (FTA) and/or Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA). TPP consisted of 12 states since Japan participated in TPP in 2013 has occupied approximately 40% economic scale in the world. That's why TPP could be a symbol of FTA and/or EPA. TPP is trying to create a new policy including ambitious non-trade concerns such as an independent chapter 'Environment.' It contains disciplines on fisheries subsidies. This article aims to examine the significance of disciplines on fisheries subsidies in the draft chapter 'Environment' referring to confidential but partially revealed information relating to TPP. "Whether such provisions could take the opportunity to proliferate at the whole international level" will be examined. In addition, what a kind of paradigm shift is emerging in the context that disciplines on fisheries subsidies have been continuously argued and negotiated among states will be explored.
五十子 敬子
法政治研究 (ISSN:21894124)
vol.First, pp.3-44, 2015-03-29 (Released:2017-07-06)

In the latter half of 20^<th> century, the medical science developed rapidly. Many diseases which were incurable before have become curable although legal amendments have been slow. But at the same time the development has brought us up several problems, for example, a question of life: when does human life begin and end?, how far can we use genetic engineering and assisted reproduction?, what way should human dignity be respected?, etc. In this paper, I inquire upon this problems in the following order, 1. Bioethics (the general) 2. Bioethics (the particular) 3. New problems In Japan, we don't have any regulations relating bioethics, such as human reproduction including genetic testing, making decisions on death with dignity. Law and regulations can outline the criteria for the theme. Legalization from impartial viewpoints is needed. I would like to introduce several promising approaches to settling those new problems of the bioethics for the future. Since the completion of genetic analysis, informed consent has increasingly been revealing its problems along with rapid technology advances. ・To support the vulnerable so that they can receive the advanced medical treatment when they need. ・To consider the best interests of the patient, child, and the weak. ・To consider individuality of the child in case of enhancement. ・To remember that humans are constituent members of nature.
青木 望美
法政治研究 (ISSN:21894124)
vol.First, pp.45-78, 2015-03-29 (Released:2017-07-06)

Great East Japan Earthquake (March 11, 2011) resulted in the serious accident of Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant. Since this gave rise to the influential possibilities of radiation exposure, Japanese government ordered a series of evacuation instructions. This article aims to examine the significance of all the reaction related to the spatial establishment, made allowance for the fact that the radioactivity in evacuation zone entails necessarily the influence on human being as well as environment itself. Concretely first the establishment and reorganization of evacuation zone will be arranged in chronological order, thereafter argument regarding a criterion of the low level radiation will be outlined. Second comparing to so-called Chernobyl Law as a similar case in Fukushima Pref., Japanese state-practice will be relativized to the recommendation of the UN special rapporteur. Finally the individual reaction in the outer areas of evacuation zone in terms of the low level radiation will be examined.
成瀬 トーマス 誠
法政治研究 (ISSN:21894124)
vol.First, pp.79-110, 2015-03-29 (Released:2017-07-06)

Despite the ban of the advisory opinions in the federal level, ten states adopt the advisory opinions. Even though advisory opinion is not so common in the U.S., there are many arguments pros and cons about advisory opinions. On the other hand, in Japan, advisory opinions were almost a "forgotten topic" and have not been discussed much. Without much discussion, advisory opinion is considered as out of the sphere of the constitution. However, there should be some arguments before abandoning advisory opinion- there could be possibilities for adopting advisory opinions. This article illustrates advisory opinion in federal and states, and discussion concerning the advisory opinions, in order to set a start line for the discussion in Japan.
北村 貴
法政治研究 (ISSN:21894124)
vol.First, pp.111-143, 2015-03-29 (Released:2017-07-06)

Eine zweistufige Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit hat die Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeits-Novelle 2012 in Osterreich eingefuhrt. Diese Reform hat nicht nur die Anderungen einzelner Regelungen in B-VG, also zwei wichtige Auswirkungen auf das Verfassungssystem in Osterreich gebracht. Erstens hat sie die Eigentmiilichkeit, dass die Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkait zentralisiert, verandert. Im Zusammenhang mit Veranderung der Systemsrahmens fur "den Trager der Sicherung der Gesetzmassigkeit der offentlichen Verwaltung" wird der Sinn dieser Veranderung der Eigentumlichkeit klar. Zweitens hat sie die Systemwidrigkeit gegen die allegemeie Zustandigkeitsverteilung zwischen Bund und Landern hinsichtlich der Organization, der Zustandigkeit und des Verfahrens ausgeweitet. Weil es alternative Massnahmen gegeben hat, ist diese Ausweitung der Systemwidrigkeit eine Ploblematik der Reform.
小野 義典
法政治研究 (ISSN:21894124)
vol.First, pp.193-228, 2015-03-29 (Released:2017-07-06)

Das Grundgesetz von Ungarn, da seit Januar 2012 eingesetzt, wurde im grossen Massstab funfmal geandert. Warum Ungarn, in einem kurzen Zeitraum, auch musste die Grundrecht oft andern? Die Antwort ist, gibt es zwei. Einer der Antwort ist in der Situation der ungarischen Politik. Eine andere Antwort ist, dass die Europaische Kommission dieser Anderungen besorgt. Die EU-Mitgliedstaaten gibt es eine Pflicht, den Anweisungen von der Europaischen Kommission zu folgen. Ungarn als EU-Mitgliedstaaten stiess denn auch auf die grossten Schwierigkeiten. In diesem Papier betrachte ich die Probleme nach der verfassungsmassigen Ordnung von Ungarn und die Sorgen der Europaischen Kommission. Inhalt 1. Anfangs 2. Ubersicht der Verfassung von Ungarn 3. Mehrere Anderungen des Grunggesetzes von Ungarn in den letzten Jahlen 4. Bedeutung und Probleme der Anderung des Grundgesetzes von Ungarn 5. Schlusswort
南部 義典
法政治研究 (ISSN:21894124)
pp.145-191, 2015

The Act on the Partial Revision of National Referendum Act was enacted at the 186th ordinary session of the Diet, and was enforced on June 20, 2014. By this revision, the minimum age of voting in the referendum regarding constitutional amendment is prescribed at twenty for next four years, and the age will be at eighteen four years later. But the minimum age of voting in public elections, the age of majority in the Civil Code, and the age of application for Juvenile Act are remained at twenty, lowering promptly these ages to eighteen is recognized as an important problem at the point of view of legal uniformity. At the final stage of the 187th extraordinary session of the Diet, the Bill for the Act on the Partial Revision of the Public Offices Election Act (to lower the minimum age of voting) was submitted, but was scrapped due to dissolution of the House of Representatives. Additionally, the problems as to the regulation to organizational campaign by the public officials, expansion of the referendum subjects, methodology of political education and the others are also emerging in relation to NRA system. These remaining problems should be solved legislatively on the wide consensus of political parties, according to the initiative requirement of Article 96 of the Japanese Constitution. It is considered definitely that to solve legislative problems as to NRA on the wide consensus is politically important requirement to lead to the success to the initiative for the amendment to Japanese Constitution by the Diet in future.