桑田 直子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.62, pp.69-91, 1998-05-10 (Released:2011-03-18)
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This study clarifies the adoption of western style uniforms in women's middle schools in the rural districts during the 1920-1930 period. The historical study of female students' uniforms have traditionally highlighted the cases of women's high schools in city areas. Consequently, the effects of regional differences and the disparity among schools have been overlooked in the previous research. In this study, the process of adoption is explicated from various dimensions by examining these factors. The areas focused on are two counties located in the west end of Shimane prefecture.In the big cities like Tokyo, women's middle schools tended to adopt the uniforms according to their own school policies. There seemed to be no regular pattern in the adoption. Contrary to this, in Shimane prefecture, there are some regulations in the adoption according to the disparity among schools. The four prefectural women's high schools, which had the highest prestige in this prefecture, adopted in the same year, 1924. Adopting western style uniforms in 1924 was earlier here than most of women's middle schools in Tokyo. This means, in this prefecture, the adoption of uniforms occurred earlier in the schools which had high prestige. In Tsuwano Ko-Jo, one of the prefectural women's high schools, students started to wear the western style uniforms in 1924 with no particular impressions, while the men in Tsuwano area looked at them with critical eyes. They did not have to feel any conflict as they were supported by their school's prestige. At that time, the other schools in the nearby area had not adopted the uniforms, though their area itself was more modernized than the Tsuwano area. This was because these schools had less prestige than that of Tsuwano Ko-Jo. In the west part of Shimane prefecture, the western style uniforms worked as the presentation ofranking in the women's middle schools.This study aims to make clear the process of the westernization of uniforms in rural areas without using the standard model of the city area. At the same time, this study shows in examining how the disparity among female schools helps to create rank among the girls, and how the uniform performs as the representation of prestige.
松本 良夫
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.22, pp.111-125,en210, 1967

This articls aims to analyse interrelationships among boy's social origin, school achievement, educational attainment and delinquency, based on the result of the research project entitled &ldquo;Comparative Study on Adolescent Delinquency in Industrial Societies&rdquo; planned by Jackson Toby, an American sociologist.<BR>The project aims to compare subcultural delinquency in several sccieties in relation to the attitude of young people, and their sccial origin and educational attainment.<BR><I>Problem</I>; In this interrelationships among adolescent delinquency are treated as a dependent variable, differential attitude toward education (educational attainment, school achievement) as intervening vasiables and boys' sccio-economic background as an independent variable.<BR><I>Procedure</I>; 6172 boys born in 1942 selected from graduating classes of 30 public junior high schools in Tokyo were traced back to their attitude toward J. H. S. education, educational career and delinquent acts recorded by the police.<BR><I>Results</I>;<BR>I. Of the 6172 J. H. S. graduates, 415 boys were arrested by police by the time they reached 20 years of age. Rate of delinquency was 6. 7%.<BR>II. Rate of delinquency i) by sccial class ii) by educational attainment and iii) by school achievement in J.H.S. are shown in Tables 1, 2, and 3. i) Larger per cent of boys from bluecollar families than from white collar families have records of delinquency. ii) Higher the educational attainment of boys the less likely they have delinquent records. iii) The lower the school achievement of boys in J. H. S., the more likely they have delinquent records.<BR>III. Figures 1, 2, and 3 show the interrelationships i) between sccial origin (S. O) and educational attainment (E. A) and delinquency (D)., ii) betweend S. O and school achievement (S. A) and D., iii) between E. A S. A and D. i) Difference of delinquent rate (d. r) by E.A within the same S.0 is larger then by S. O within same E. A. ii) Difference of d.r. by S. A within same S. O is larger than by S. O within same S. A. iii) Difference of d.r. by S.A within same E. A is larger than by E. A. within same S. A.<BR>IV. Figures 4 indicates associations of each pair in terms of coefficient. S. O-D: 0.10, E. A-D: O. 17, and S. A-D: O. 22, S. O -E.A: 0.45, S. O-S. A: 0.23 and E A-S. A: 0.55.
渡辺 雅子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.69, pp.23-42, 2001-10-10

The words "individuality" and "creativity" have been frequently used in the philosophy of Japanese education since the Meiji period, and emphasis on individuality has come to be a key term in recent educational reforms. However there is no consensus on how these words are understood by teachers, administrators and scholars. This study analyzes how individuality and creativity are understood, taught and evaluated in Japanese and American classrooms, by focusing on language arts lessons, and in particular writing instructions. Observation of lessons, interviews with teachers, and analysis of students' compositions reveal that in American classrooms, creativity is achieved through ideas written in realistic terms in an appropriate form, whereas in Japanese classrooms, it is achieved through vivid expressions of personal feelings based on the shared experiences of a teacher and fellow students. In order to achieve creativity, teachers in the United States give strict guidance in composition, stressing techniques for choosing the style best fitting the student's individual objective among several different ones. In Japan, teachers encourage students to freely express their feelings, and yet students' compositions show remarkable similarity. Paradoxically, the strict technical teaching of different styles produces variety in students' writing in the United States, while the encouragement of free writing produces compositions that are strikingly similar to each other in Japan. One of the reasons of this outcome is that mastering different styles provides a choice among alternatives for American students to express their ideas. However, the results of the research do not mean that Japanese students lack individuality and creativity. Rather, differences in American and Japanese teachers' views of "individualtiy" and "creativity" influence teaching practices and their outcomes.
山口 季音
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.92, pp.241-261, 2013-07-25 (Released:2014-07-28)

生徒集団における暴力に関する従来の研究は,暴力が継続化する過程において,「被害者」は「加害者」に一方的に拘束されているとみなす傾向にあった。それに対して本稿は,「加害者」からの暴力を「被害者」が肯定的に受容することが暴力の継続化に寄与する過程を明らかにするものである。そこで,20代男性への半構造化インタビューで得られた,中学校の「非行集団」における暴力被害の事例を詳しく取り上げ,それを異年齢の生徒集団における「通過儀礼」としての暴力という視角から分析した。 事例において,「被害者」は上級生による暴力の被害に苦しんでいたにもかかわらず,暴力を集団の秩序維持のためのものとみなし,肯定的に受容していた。その主な要因として,以下で述べるように,暴力被害が「被害者」の自尊感情を高めるものであったことがあげられる。第1に,「被害者」は同学年の生徒の代表として暴力を受けており,そうすることで同学年の生徒よりも優位な立場でいることができた。第2に,「被害者」は暴力の被害に耐えることで,集団のメンバーからの称賛を得られた。 以上,「通過儀礼」としての暴力という視角からの分析により,「加害者」から暴力を受けることが利益に繋がっていたために,「被害者」は暴力を肯定的に受容し,暴力の継続化に寄与していたことが示された。本稿の知見は,生徒集団における暴力がいかに継続するのかについて新たな理解を促すものである。
藤田 由美子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.74, pp.329-348, 2004-05-20 (Released:2011-03-18)
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The purpose of this article is to reconsider gender identity formation in youngchildren by analyzing their interactions during children's activities. In the literatureon “gender and education” studies in educational sociology, the assumptions of “internalization” and “gender dichotomy” are generally considered to beapplicable to studies on early childhood; however it is the position of this paperthat these assumptions need to be reconsidered.This study focuses on gender-related power relations among young children.Observational research on preschool children was conducted at a private kindergartenin the Chugoku district of Japan, from September 1998 to March 1999.Eighty-two preschool children (age 3-5 years) were observed in the kindergarten.Additional observations were conducted at the same kindergarten and twoadditional childcare centers in the Kyushu district of Japan from 2000 to 2001.A gender dichotomy was found in the following aspects of children's interaction:(1) Children thought that stereotypical tastes were also greatly genderdifferentiated (for example many boys preferred the color blue and TV cartoonheroes, while many girls preferred the color red and ‘cute’ characters, e. g.‘Kitty-chan’). In addition, when the children reenacted heterosexual ritual behavior (e. g. weddings), they adhered to gender specific roles.(2) Children actively negotiated with each other in terms of gender. They alsoevaluated appropriate behavior according to gender standards. Furthermore, they constructed a social order using gender, displaying “hegemonic masculinity.”(3) Girls crossed gender-defined behavior more easily than did boys.Based on these findings, it was concluded that children actively participatein their own gender identity formation, in addition to being socialized into theseroles. The process of gender identity formation involves negotiation with thesocial world, and is influenced by the mass media.
住岡 英毅
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.127-141, 2007-05-31 (Released:2018-07-01)

Today, regional disparities in education can be seen from the following six aspects.(1) Disparities between areas (disparities between cities or towns)(2) Disparity inside areas (disparities between elementary school areas)(3) Visible disparities(4) Invisible disparities(5) Disparities in school education(6) Disparities in social educationAmong these disparities, this paper focuses on disparities inside areas, invisible disparities, and disparities in social education. The reason is that these are the new disparities found in mergers between municipalities (a contemporary phenomenon in Japan), movements of population and the decentralization of power. In other words, under the decentralization of power, communities are called on to be economically and educationally independent from the central government, and these new disparities are related to the educational power of communities and to the power of social education connected to them.They are also related to the urgent educational issues that must be tackled together by educational officials, people involved in schools and social education, and local residents under the decentralization of power.The two principal directions for this task are as follows.(1) Cooperation between schools and communities by strengthening support from educational administration to schools and communities, and strengthening cooperation involving both school education and social education.(2) Improving the specialization of education in a broad sense. In other words, improving technical cooperation with specialists such as teachers, leaders of social education, medical personnel and welfare personnel.These points will be crucial determinants of the success or failure of education under the decentralization of power.In addition, the author uses data on administration in cities and towns in Shiga prefecture, which are familiar to him. Nevertheless, the manuscript consists of some guesses without actual evidence in some points; therefore it has in some sense the character of the presentation of a hypothesis.
石飛 和彦
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.90, pp.83-98, 2012-06-15 (Released:2013-06-17)

本稿では「いじめ問題」にみる教育と責任の構図を素描する。 デュルケームおよびフーコーに従うならば,「責任主体」は規律訓練装置としての近代学校教育によって形成される。すなわち,前近代的な「共同体」においては「責任主体」は存在しえない。「いじめ問題」においては,学校の中で前近代的な生徒共同体が再現されたという説明が受容され,一般社会的なイメージとして広がった。構築主義的な捉え方をするならば,「校内暴力問題」(「いじめ」以前の主たる問題)を語る社会システムが「いじめ問題」を語る社会システムへと変化し,それによって「責任主体」という形象が消え,代わりに「共同体」という形象が登場した。 そこから,「いじめ問題」を二通りのやりかたで描き出すことができる。第一に,それは「閉域としての学校」の終着点として描き出される。もはや近代的な規律訓練装置として機能しなくなった,単なる閉域としての「学校」が,再び共同体をその中に抱え込んだ,とみなされる。第二に,「学校」の限界を,ドゥルーズの言う「管理社会」の現象と見ることもできる。「管理社会」は,近代的なさまざまな「閉域」を解体し,シームレスな管理のシステムを作り上げる。近代的な「応答責任」に代わって「説明責任」が強調され,「個人 individual」は「可分性 dividual」へと解体されて情報ネットワーク上に新しいある種の「共同体」を形成する。こうしたシステムの変化を「いじめ問題」を通じて見出すことが,社会学の重要な役割である。
鈴木 翔
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.96, pp.325-345, 2015-05-29 (Released:2016-07-19)

本稿の目的は,中高生の間でいじめの抑止力として機能する可能性をもつ生徒はどのような生徒なのか,そして,その生徒が実際にいじめの抑止力として機能していないならば,それはなぜなのかを明らかにすることである。本稿では,社会的勢力論を分析枠組みとして,中高生が持つ社会的勢力を「業績と思いやり」「外見と明朗性」に分けて検証を行ったところ,以下の2つの知見が得られた。 第一に,「業績と思いやり」という「潜在的勢力」は,いじめに対する否定的な規範と連動しており,「外見と明朗性」という「潜在的勢力」は,いじめに対する規範と連動していない。第二に,「業績と思いやり」という「潜在的勢力」は,集団内の規範への影響力と安定的に結びついていないのに対し,「外見と明朗性」という「潜在的勢力」は,集団の支持を得て自己主張をすることを通じて集団内の規範に影響を与えやすい傾向をもつ。 つまり,現状の中高生文化のもとでは,いじめに対する否定的な規範と正の関連をもつ「業績と思いやり」という「潜在的勢力」は,集団内で優勢となりにくい。そのため,いじめを拒絶する規範が,集団の中に広く受容される可能性は低くなり,その結果,いじめの抑止は機能しづらくなるという可能性が示された。
中澤 渉
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.72, pp.151-169, 2003-05-25 (Released:2011-03-18)

C. Wright Mills once criticized Lazarsfeld's work as abstracted empiricism. I understand the current state of the sociology of education in Japan as resembling this kind of empiricism. We want the sociology of education to be policy science or applied science, and empirical data, especially numerical values, seem to be useful. However, inside of the field of sociology, sociologists are divided according to their methodologies, so there is no common language or communication method. If they insist on one methodology, especially statistics or multivariate analysis, they will lose sight of the linkage between the empirical data and sociological theory, or forget the sociological significance for using that type of method. In addition, they may make statistical errors because the packages (for example, SPSS) enable people who do not understand statistical theory or are poor at mathematics to use statistical methods, and statistical methods have improved rapidly.Incidentally, sociologists who want sociology to be a policy science take some risk. Sociological data seem to be objective and scientific. If they want sociology to be useful, sociology will be influenced by power because power decides the criterion for usefulness. Ideologies always try to take advantage of objective and scientific data and theory. Furthermore, sociological knowledge, which seems to be objective and scientific, influences social conditions, sometimes changes people's actions and causes self-fulfilling prophecies. We sociologist must always be conscious of that kind of problem.
知念 渉
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.91, pp.73-94, 2012-11-30 (Released:2014-02-11)

本稿では,貧困・生活不安定層出身である〈ヤンチャな子ら〉の学校経験を描くことによって,①生徒のストラテジーの実証研究がない,②教師のストラテジーが生徒の学校生活に与える影響が明らかにされていない,というストラテジー研究の課題について検討した。 分析結果は次の三点である。第一に,〈ヤンチャな子ら〉は,家庭の文化に依拠して学校文化を異化しつつも,親たちの人生に自らの人生を重ね合わせず,高卒資格の意義を認めていた。学校文化への異化と同化の間で構造的ジレンマを抱えていたのである。第二に,そのジレンマに対処するため,彼らは「時間と空間のコントロール」,「非対称な関係性の組み替え」,「学校の意味世界の変換」というコーピング・ストラテジーを編み出していた。それに対して,教師たちは「時間と空間の再コントロール」,「組み替えられた関係性の資源化」,「生徒の意味世界の取り込み」というペタゴジカル・ストラテジーによって,彼らを教育活動に巻き込んでいた。第三に,教師たちのストラテジーにより,〈ヤンチャな子ら〉は教師を肯定的に評価しており,その評価は登校継続に積極的な影響を与えていた。だが,学校から一度離れたケースでは,教師への肯定的評価が登校継続に逆効果をもっていた。 以上より,生徒が構造的ジレンマのなかで様々なストラテジーを用いて学校生活を過ごしていること,教師のストラテジーの効果は生徒の解釈や状況に依存することが明らかとなった。
内田 良
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.86, pp.201-221, 2010-06-30 (Released:2017-04-21)

本稿の目的は,「リスク」の理論と分析手法を用いて,学校管理下における各種事故の「実在」,とくに事故の発生確率を比較することから,学校安全に関する今日的な「認知」のあり方を批判的に検討し,エビデンスにもとづいた学校安全施策を提唱することである。 今日,学校安全の名のもと不審者対策に多くの資源が投入されている。いっぽう,学校における多種多様な事故を広く見渡して,事故の発生件数や確率を調べようとする試みは少ない。そこで本稿では多義的なリスク概念を手がかりに,次のように分析を進めた。 まず社会学のリスク論から,リスクは社会的に構築されるという視点を得た。事故は「認知」に左右される。次に自然科学の方法から,事故の「実在」に注目して各種死亡事故の発生確率を算出した。その結果,不審者犯罪よりも発生確率が高い事故が多くあることが明らかとなった。 学校事故の特殊性は,管理するという「決定」に,多くの主体(国,自治体,学校,保護者,地域住民)が容易に関与できる点である。このとき,「決定」はリスクをめぐるコミュニケーションを活性化させ,リスクに対する人びとの認知を敏感にさせていく。 本稿が提唱したいのは,危機感が増幅し始めた早い段階においてエビデンスが参照されることである。事故を管理しようとする意志が多くの主体に増幅していく前に,「決定」の大きな権力を有する教育行政が,エビデンスにもとづいた「決定」をなすべきである。
香川 めい 相澤 真一
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.78, pp.279-301, 2006-05-31 (Released:2011-03-18)
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The aim of this paper is to investigate when and how the meaning of high school diplomas changed during the era of educational expansion in two senses:(1) ubjective and (2) objective. More concretely, it examines:(1) how people recognized high school diplomas and (2) how high school diplomas functioned in the achievement of occupational and economic status. To examine these points, the authors focus on postwar Japan, when the high school enrollment rate rose dramatically under the new educational system. The data used in the analyses are Social Stratification and Social Mobility (SSM) data collected every ten years since 1955.Three cohorts, divided according to the high school enrollment rate, are compared. The high school enrollment rate is 50% to 65% among the first cohort, 66% to 89% for the second, and more than 90% for the third. The enrollment rate increased continuously during the first and second cohorts, so the former is named the “early phase” and the latter the “later phase.” The enrollment rate reaches a plateau in the third. “Desired educational level” and “desired occupation” are used in the analysis of subjective meaning. “Occupation of first job, ” “occupation of present job, ” and “present personal income” are used to clarify the meaning in an objective sense.The analysis of subjective meaning reveals the following. As the high schoolenrollment rate increased dramatically, the desired level of education rose with it. More people wanted to go on to higher level of education: high school and higher education. But the desired occupation of people who wanted to go to high school was almost the same for the early phase and later phase cohorts. However, the actual first jobs of high school graduates in the two cohorts were very different. Fewer people obtained white-collar jobs and more entered into blue-collar jobs in the latter cohort.Comparing present job and present personal income for each of the four data sets since 1965, the three cohorts can be characterized as follows. In the early phase, a relatively large number of people acquired white-collar jobs at an early stage of their occupational careers, and a substantive ratio maintained these jobs to 1995. In addition, personal income increased steadily as people of this cohort became older. On the other hand, a large number of people in the later phase cohort started working in blue-collar jobs. But as they got older, they seemed to move into different types of jobs. The personal income of this cohort increased dramatically in 1995. Therefore, it can be said that this cohort “caught up.” For the last cohort, however, there seemed to be little chance of upward mobility in either occupational or economic status.In sum, if only the function of high school diplomas is considered, the meaning of high school diplomas changed between the early and later phase. But if the “catching-up” of members of the later phase and the subjective meaning of high school diplomas is taken into account, there is little difference in how people recognize and value high school diplomas between first two cohorts. Therefore, a distinctive line can be drawn between the later phase and the next cohort (i. e., the plateau), when the premium of being a high school graduate diminished.
鈴木 雅博
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.99, pp.47-67, 2016-11-30 (Released:2018-03-26)

本稿は,教師たちが曖昧な校則下での組織的で厳格な指導をどのように/どのようなものとして論じたのかをエスノメソドロジーの方針により解明することを目的とする。ここでは中学校の登校用バッグの色指定をめぐる議論を対象とする。対象校にはバッグの色に関する細則規程はなかったが,生活指導担当者はそれを黒に限定する指導を行っており,保護者からのクレームを機に教師間で議論となった。教師たちの度重なる議論からは,彼/女らが「規程にはないが指導対象となる事項(=不文指導事項)」というカテゴリーを共有していることが確認された。この中間的カテゴリーは,「共通理解による共同的指導は明文規程による義務的なそれに優先する」との規範によって支えられており,こうした規範があることで,不文指導事項は曖昧な校則と厳格な指導との間に折り合いをつけるための妥協の産物ではなく,教師たちの主体的協働の証として積極的な評価を与えられ得るものとなっていた。 他方で,相互行為のなかでは,文書主義・反管理教育といった規範や,指導の歴史的経緯が参照されていた。しかし,文書に拠らない管理教育的な指導が否定されていないこと,また,指導の歴史が遡及的に構築されていたこと等は規範や歴史が人びとの議論を規定するとの説明が不十分なものであることを示している。むしろ,それらは文脈のなかで参照されることで,それとして表出しながら,その場の議論を構成するという相互反映的なものとして見ることができるだろう。
仲野 由佳理
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.87, pp.5-24, 2010-11-30

中村 高康
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.45-64, 2014-05-31 (Released:2015-06-03)

本稿の目的は,ポストモダン論とは一線を画し,現代を近代社会の延長線上にあるものとして考える「後期近代の理論」が近年注目されてきたことを受け,その理論が教育社会学において持つ意味と可能性を検討することにある。特に,本稿ではギデンズのハイ・モダニティ論を,単なる現代社会論としてではなく,理論としての発展可能性の観点から考察を加える。 具体的には,①現代社会論と社会学理論の区別を明確にした場合,ギデンズの一連の著作をヒントに,両者をリンクさせる視点が重要であること,②そうはいえどもギデンズ社会学の限界も十分踏まえておく必要があること,③ギデンズの理論的著作においては,他の多くの理論社会学者と異なり,教育についてあまり言及がないが,そのことはむしろ教育社会学にとっては理論の更新可能性をもたらしていること,④これまでは十分に活用されていないが,ハイ・モダニティ論に内在されている空間論的視点が発展可能性を秘めていること,の4つの視点を提起した。
岡部 悟志
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.247-266, 2009-05-31 (Released:2018-05-01)

The aim of this paper is to explore the background of Singaporeʼs contemporary policies for school dropouts. Singaporeʼs educational system has often been described as being based on the concept of meritocracy (Mimizuka et al. 2003, Kang 2005). According to Young (1958), in a meritocratic society, rewards and social status are distributed based on individual merit. Interestingly, meritocratic Singapore has increasingly attempted to include school dropouts, who are supposed to have lower merit. This should be even more puzzling when we consider that Singapore has already achieved a low school dropout rate compared to other developed countries. Although it is reported that there are about 1,200 students who leave school before finishing secondary education every year, this phenomenon has been very little investigated even in Singapore. Sim (2005) focused on the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), which provides vocational education for post-secondary students in the lower streams, and found that the aspirations of ITE students were lifted during the school period. However, Simʼs study did not shed light on school dropouts.This study examines the following two research questions: 1) Why does Singapore attempt to include school dropouts in further education? 2) How does Singapore help school dropouts return to school? The data were gathered from the following investigations. The first is semi-structured interviews of social workers who work at Singaporeʼs social agencies, where various kinds of assistance are provided for school dropouts. Interviews were conducted with fourteen social workers in nine social agencies. The second is a review of past local research on Singaporeʼs school dropouts, which is not so well known due to a lack of publicity. In addition, Singaporean national census data and information from local newspapers were also used in this study.Based on the analysis, the author insists that there are three primary reasons behind Singaporeʼs contemporary policies for school dropouts: 1) a political reason, 2) a social policy-related reason, and 3) a labor economic reason. Clark (1960) demonstrated that “losers” under a meritocratic educational system are likely to “cool-out” so that they become adjusted to their appropriate social position in later life. On the other hand, Singaporeʼs school dropouts tend to “freeze-up” and then fall into bottomless cracks in later life. Once they have “frozen-up,” they may be stigmatized as “losers” in the meritocratic educational system and then marginalized in the precarious labor market. To overcome this situation, Singapore has attempted to enhance political stability and the social cohesion of the state. Moreover, school dropouts are encouraged to return to school in order to compete with cheaper migrant workers in the labor market.In summary, Singaporeʼs success in reducing the number of school dropouts can be looked upon as an outcome of Singaporeʼs effort to enhance political stability, social cohesion and economic growth so as to tackle increasing external uncertainties. In this sense, Singaporeʼs top academic performance among school students, despite the fact that more school dropouts are integrated into the mainstream, can be viewed as a process involving a state strategy of survival under the highly competitive, globalised economy.
舞田 敏彦
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.82, pp.165-184, 2008-06-15 (Released:2017-06-01)

Children’s academic achievements differ by social class. Today, many researchers investigate schools that effectively reduce these differences. They have pointed out that in schools that are successful in this endeavor, there are many practices aimed at raising the academic achievements of children from lower classes. In this paper, I attempt to clarify the effects of these practices from the viewpoint of added value. This study aims to compare the actual achievement levels of children of each region with those estimated based on their socio-economic conditions and to clarify the educational conditions in the regions in which the actual levels are higher than expectations.For my method, I analyzed the data of academic achievement tests. I clarified children’s achievement levels in 49 cities and wards in the Tokyo metropolitan area and in school districts in Adachi Ward (73 primary school districts, 38 junior high school districts). I examined the relations between the achievement levels and the socio-economic conditions of each region. Using this data, I estimated achievement levels using regression analysis. Regions were then divided into types by comparing the expected levels and actual ones. I named regions whose achievement levels were higher than expected “Effort types.” The opposites are named, “Problem types.” I then investigated the differences of educational conditions between these two types. It was found that in Effort types, the numbers of children per school, class and teacher are relatively small. School size, class size and teacher’s burden are small in these regions. In Problem types, they are relatively large. These differences are significant in the data from school districts in Adachi Ward.Based on the findings, I concluded as follows:1. The influence of social background on children’s academic achievement can be reduced by the improvement of educational conditions such as reducing class size, which is the task of educational administrations.2. The improvement of educational conditions is less effective for raising the absolute level of academic achievement. It is effective for the reduction of the social determinants of children’s academic abilities.3. Evaluations of schools from the viewpoint of added value are needed.
土肥 いつき
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.97, pp.47-66, 2015-11-27 (Released:2017-03-07)
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本稿の目的は,トランスジェンダー生徒の性別違和を学校文化の中にあるジェンダーとの関係から分析することである。学校がおこなう「性別に基づく扱いの差異」は,生徒たちをふたつの性別カテゴリーに分化した結果なされるだけでなく,ふたつの性別カテゴリーに分化するためにもなされており,これを「性別分化」とした。トランスジェンダー生徒は「学校による性別分化」と「自らありたい性」との間で「ジェンダー葛藤」を起こしている存在とした。 分析の結果明らかになったことは次の3点である。(1)性別分化は発達段階に応じてなされ,その過程はトランスジェンダー生徒のジェンダー葛藤を強める。(2)強いジェンダー葛藤の状態に置かれたトランスジェンダー生徒は「カテゴリー語の獲得」「ロールモデルとの出会い」を通して,ジェンダー葛藤の解決の方法として「カミングアウト」を見つける。(3)ジェンダー葛藤軽減の要素として「要求発見の可能性」「要求実現へ向けた課題の発見」「変容する他者の存在」の3つが抽出できた。 以上のことから,トランスジェンダー生徒の支援は,学校の性別分化の過程で強められたジェンダー葛藤を軽減することであることが明らかになった。これは同時に,トランスジェンダー生徒は学校の性別分化そのものを問う存在であることを意味し,ジェンダー葛藤軽減のためには学校自身が自らを問い直し変容することの必要性が明らかになった。