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VIDEO Dirk Helbing: Towards a Self-Regulating, Participatory Market Society to Counter Complexity and Extreme Events "The Internet and Social Media change our way of decision-making. We are no longer ...
A Must Read - Economics 2.0: The Natural Step towards a Self-Regulating, Participatory Market Society New Discussion Paper by Dirk Helbing https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/eier/10/1/10_3/_article

Twitter (12 users, 16 posts, 6 favorites)

MT @TessyBritton: #Research: Platforms shd provide tools for self-organisation, comms, collaboration [pdf] http://t.co/9hUZHx5u3A #economics
Economics 2.0: The Natural Step towards a Self-Regulating, Participatory Market Society https://t.co/c211xozxKf
@nick_diaconou Platforms shld provide tools for cooperation, people to set up joint projects,communicate,collaborate https://t.co/c211xozxKf
Research: Platforms should provide tools for cooperation, people to set up joint projects, communicate, collaborate https://t.co/c211xozxKf
Research: Another important institution... are participatory platforms that support a trusted and fair exchange https://t.co/c211xozxKf
Economics 2.0: The Natural Step towards a Self-Regulating, Participatory Market Society https://t.co/a9giwDrSyU
Economics 2.0: The Natural Step towards a Self-Regulating, Participatory Market Society https://t.co/zMV0ZnMFAC
Economics 2.0: The Natural Step towards a Self-Regulating, Participatory Market Society #hzca downloadable https://t.co/7DXYzaa73W
Economics 2.0:The Natural Step towards a Self-Regulating, Participatory Market Society http://t.co/M4kAggLWVQ

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