橋田 慈子
社会教育学研究 (ISSN:21883521)
vol.54, pp.35-45, 2018 (Released:2020-12-04)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the problem-solving process for disabled children who were unable to go to school. This study focuses on the parental movements of children with learning difficulties.  In Japan, children with learning difficulties had been excused from attending schools since 1900. After World War Ⅱ, this system has been continued by the School Education Act. In those days, there was a saying that nonattendance of disabled children was caused by parents’ negative attitudes toward special education. Therefore, it was argued that it was also necessary to change parents’ attitudes to promote special education for disabled children with learning difficulties.  In the 1950s, parents’ association for with learning difficulties published the parental notes and tried to show the significance of special education. After these activities, many parents became supporters and driving force of special education.  Based on an interview survey, it becomes clear that the participants of parents’ association had forced the nonattendance of disabled children by the local education authority. This involved sharing their problems with other parents after joining in it, and cooperating with teachers to reform educational systems for disabled children.  As a result of this study, it is found that parents’ activities (recognizing the matters of disabled children and problem-solving with teachers) played important roles in acquiring the rights of education for disabled children.


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