Hiroyuki Kabasawa Shigeru Kiryu
Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences (ISSN:13473182)
pp.rev.2022-0114, (Released:2023-02-07)

The liver moves with respiratory motion. Respiratory motion causes image artifacts as MRI is a motion-sensitive imaging modality; thus, MRI scan speed improvement has been an important technical development target for liver MRI for years. Recent pulse sequence and image reconstruction technology advancement has realized a fast liver MRI acquisition method. Such new technologies allow us to obtain liver MRI in a shorter time, particularly, within breath-holding time. Other benefits of new the technology and the higher spatial resolution liver MRI within a given scan time are improved slice coverage and smaller pixel size. In this review, MRI pulse sequence and reconstruction technologies to accelerate scan speed for T1- and T2-weighted liver MRI will be discussed. Technologies that reduce scan time while keeping image contrast, SNR and image spatial resolution are needed for fast MRI acquisition. We will discuss the progress of MRI acquisition methods, the enabling technology, established applications, current trends, and the future outlook.


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肝MRIの高速化のレビューby椛沢さん。図がオリジナリティーにあふれ、かつ正確に作られていてすごい... これは永久保存版。 J-STAGE Articles - Pulse Sequences and Reconstruction in Fast MR Imaging of the Liver https://t.co/xhFtFgAUL0
MRMS<REVIEW>2月7日早期公開 Pulse Sequences and Reconstruction in Fast MR Imaging of the Liver Hiroyuki Kabasawa, et al.  https://t.co/6wKTTJxSDp

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