張 仲葛 李 錦〓 張 暁嵐
日本養豚学会誌 (ISSN:0913882X)
vol.30, no.1, pp.1-10, 1993-03-15 (Released:2011-06-08)
2 1

Pig raising has a long history in China. As early as about 6000-9000 years ago, local wild boars had been domesticated by the Chinese. The ancient Chinese people also paid great attention to selective breeding. In the Han Dynasty the superiority of Chinese pigs were known at home and abroad. During the Han Dynasty the small-ear pig in Southern China was introduced into Dachin Country (Roman Empire) to be bred into the ancient Roman pig. Up to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the Chinese pig (Guangdong pig varietry) was introduced into the western countries such as the Great Britain and the USA. Since then it played an important role in the improvement of pig varieties in these countries.In recent years, due to the shortage of pig variety resources, some countries with developed pig industry have paid great attention to the Chinese pig varieties with high reproductivity and introduced them for crossbreeding. The results have been encouraging. And researches have been carried out in France, Britain, Japan and the Netherlands using Chines pigs to improve the reproductivity of pig varieties in these countries.World wide attension has been focused on the excellent characters of Chinese pigs and the breeding and management technology. They are the precious wealth of the whole mankind. We are thus expecting a glorious future.


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