大西 浩次
長野工業高等専門学校紀要 (ISSN:02861909)
no.34, pp.77-86, 2000

Due to the development of High accuracy Astrometry, the positional shift of QSO due to gravitational deflection of light will be detectable. We showed that it is feasible to measure the mass of single star by observing the variation of gravitational deflection casused by the orbital motion of the Earth. For a stars within 100pc with an appropriate background source sach as a QSO within 1 arcsecond,their mass can be determined by measuring the deflection shift with the accuracy of 10 micro-arcsec. On the other hand, in the case that relative angular distance between star and QSOs is known by the other observation, the mass of star can be determined by measuring the shift of gravitational deflection of light We show the feasible to measure the mass of single star by VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA) and we show the general probability of the existence of candidate stars and the list of same candidate stars up to now. In the future, almost all stars within 1 arc-second from the QSOs become the candidate stars using a high accurate and a massive scaled data from a satellite such as GAIA. Therefore we propose that QSOs with nearby stars should be monitored for detection of gravitational lens effect for to detect the gravitational lens effect due to stars and MACHOs and the measurement of stellar mass.


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こんな論文どうですか? VERAによる星の質量測定の可能性(大西 浩次),2000 https://t.co/Gyc4ztishR Due to the development of High accuracy Astrometry, the po…

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