桑本 裕二
秋田工業高等専門学校研究紀要 (ISSN:02855364)
vol.38, pp.113-120, 2003-02-28

This paper deals with Wakamono Kotoba; a kind of jargon which is mainly used among younger generation. As a first approximation, I define Wakamono Kotoba on the sociolinguistic viewpoints. Wakamono Kotoba mostly originates from another kind of jargons, especially from the one spoken among TV talents or staffs. Then the jargon forms it and is conveyed through various media; such as TV, comic books, or magazines. As a result, these media contribute to the formation of Wakamono Kotoba itself and to the wide spread of the strict meaning. Wakamono Kotoba which seems to be stable has some interesting characteristics. One is the tendency to have wide usage and various kinds of derivations. It is similar to the normal word production. Another is the tendency not to use the word which seems too naughty and wordplaying-like words in Wakamono Kotoba, though such qualities are the most symbolical properties of Wakamono Kotoba.


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