KITAGAWA Hiroshi SATOH Hiroshi KOMATSUZAKI Chiyoko MORI Fumiaki KUDO Norio
Japanese journal of veterinary research (ISSN:00471917)
vol.35, no.1, pp.21-39, 1987-01-30

Morphological investagations were carried out on basophilic intranuclear and cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in epithelial cells of the hair bulbs of anagen hair follicles in wild foxes affected with an abnormal hair coat condition. The inclusions, which were DNA-positive, contained numerous minute virus-like particles ("FMVP"). The particles, having a diameter of approximately 13 nm, had an arrangement of capsomer-like subunits of approximately 2-3 nm in diameter and were nonenveloped. The striking resemblance to icosahedral virus was crystallographically and morphologically demonstrated.


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こんな論文どうですか? FOX MINUTE VIRUS-LIKE PARTICLE(KITAGAWA Hiroshiほか),1987 … https://t.co/7mOQ12AwtR Morphological investagations were carried out…

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