中島 利勝 塚本 真也 吉川 満雄 竹原 健一 横溝 精一
精密工学会誌 (ISSN:09120289)
vol.60, no.10, pp.1490-1494, 1994-10-05
2 4

In previous report [J. Japan Soc. Prec. Eng., 59, 3, (1993) 491.] under considering wheel surface topography and ground surface profile, it is theoretically predicted that a spring constant of grain mounting is extremely small in a very top surface of grinding wheel, and that the average of the spring constant and its variation become higher in the inner position from the wheel surface. In this report in order to make clear the displacement behaviors of abrasive grains during grinding process, the spring constant of individual abrasive grain mounting on the vitrified wheel surface are experimentally determined from the load-displacement curve of an abrasive grain measured by micro-Vickers hardness tester. The distribution of spring constant of abrasive grain is first analyzed and then it is made clear that the spring constant mentioned above can be predicted theoretically. And it is also made clear that the spring constant becomes to increase or decrease by steps as the elastic deformation or breakage takes place in the bond material.


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こんな論文どうですか? ビトリファイド砥石における砥粒支持剛性の分布と砥粒変位形態に関する研究(中島 利勝ほか),1994 https://t.co/3f7QPy1SeM
こんな論文どうですか? ビトリファイド砥石における砥粒支持剛性の分布と砥粒変位形態に関する研究(中島 利勝ほか),1994 https://t.co/3f7QPy1SeM

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