Miyazaki Takeshi Ueno Koki Shimonishi Tomoyuki
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.68, no.8, pp.2592-2601, 1999-08-15
3 13

Vortex uraotions ita 21 st?t]o1.5?' str'atified rotsrtiuag fltzid atre cozt,';idered tJueoreticatJJy, loatsed on theqtmz?sigeostrophic apjcroxiuaaatiouu, A [12188 of' ex;tct soltrtiota is obt?'titaed, xvhicla repr'esents a tiltedspher'oid?tl X'OlUll'I1Q xvitla trr'nifortaa potetuti?tl vorticit3' etnbedded in an otlaerxx'ise qtriescent [ltrid of'infitaite extetat. The splaet'oid rotates steadily' ;rbotrt t1?e x'ertical axis, v,rlaere the ?tngv.u1trr xzelocit3z isitudependetat of' Cite inc[it??ttiota attagle of' the a?xis of.' syuaamaaetry f'rota? tlte xrertical axis. XVe study Cluestability"of'tluese soJtztion,'s atg?rizast izafiuaitesiuaaztl disfturloattaces. Hig1u1.y elongated prelate splaeroidsare shoxx'ru to be trrastalole if tlae iraclinsttiort ;ttagle is latrge. In corutr?xst, ololate sjclaeroids of' certairnaspect r;xtio are trtastable ex'etu if' Clue itaclita;ttiora att?gle is xzery $1112111. Tlais irastability is c;tu-sed byresorusrce betx",'eeta tlae tilted re{;ttuorm artd otI?er disttrr'1o?ttace maaodes.


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こんな論文どうですか? Quasigeostrophic,Tilted Spheroidal Vortices(Miyazaki Takeshiほか),1999 … https://t.co/eqtKbItIDf Vortex uraotions ita 21 st?t]o1.…

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