Miyamoto Tetsu
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.68, no.4, pp.1238-1258, 1999-04-15

The steady state and qtrasi-steady processes of itafinaite- ?a?ud finite-width slteet z-pinches ?tresttrdied. The relatiot'as correspotuding to the Berut'?ett relation and Pease-Br;tgitaskii ctrr'retat ofcylindrical fiber z-pinches depend 011 a geouaaetrical fstctor in the sheet z-jcinches. Tlae finite-widtla slaeet z-pitacla is approxitaaated icy a segnaetat of it?finite-xx'idth sheet z-pincla, if it is xvideenougla, and cor'resjconds to 21 ntrtnber of' (xx"idtla/thickness) tiuaaes filoer z-piuach plastaa;ts of thediatneter fl?at equ?a1s tlae sheet tlnickraess, If flue st?eet ctrrr'erat eqtr;tls tlais nuuaa1.cer tiuaaes flue fiber'current, the Pl2lSl112l created in the slaeet z-pitaches is 218 det'se as it? the filoer' z-pinches. Tlae totalenergy o['plasma and magnetic field [)c'U trruit l112XSS is r'<5Mittaately eqtral ita lcotla pinches. Qtrasia I) pstatic trarusient processes 211'Cl) difl'erent in seven'al 2lSI)(l2CLS froun tlae filaer z-jcinch. No rttdi;ttioncollapse occurs irt tlae slaeet z-pinch. The stalcility is iutapr'oved in tl'ne sheet z-pincltes. Tlae ['ttsiotacriterions and the experinaental ?trr'atngenaaents to j.crodtrce flue street z-jcinclaes are also disctrssed.


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こんな論文どうですか? Dense Sheet Z-Pinches(MIYAMOTOTetsu), http://id.CiNii.jp/IMvLL The steady state and qtrasi-steady process…

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