Iwasaki Yuishi Yonezawa Fumiko
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.68, no.5, pp.1751-1759, 1999-05-15

XX7e sttrdy ata error catatstrophe of a self-replicating s5rstetaa, in xvluicl? a 11111111)Cll of' 1.ci{, stringswith variable rnutation rate cozaupete to strrvive itt a gixzen rttgged fitness Jatndsc?tpe. The errorcatastrophe is knoxvn 218 a plaase tr?ttasitiota f'rouaa 2'LIl ordered st;tie to a disordered state xvlaett z'tuautrtatiora rate increases. As a control p;trataaeter, we choose 21, selectiora pressttr'e ratlaer tla;tta 21nntrtatiora rate. We find tlaat our systeraa shoxvs tlae error catastrophe xvlaera tlae selectiota presstrredecreases. An order para?aaeter is itutrodtrced arad the error cat;tstr'oplue is sttrdied for tluree typesof zmtrtant; (a) C2lCl1 bit has a fixed ttautation t-ate, (b) eacl? TciL hats a COIIIIIIOII x'?trialole ?aatut?ationrate, and (c) each lcit has z't variable raatrtation rate. XN7e 21180 atr'aalvze staloilit3z of' the systezau 011the basis of the eic'envaltte and tlae ei'eraxvector of tlae tratusitiora tnatrixb15:


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こんな論文どうですか? Numerical Study on Error Catastrophe of Adaptive Mutants and Their Sta, http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110001978758

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