北村 邦夫 Kunio KITAMURA 群馬県衛生環境部保健予防課母子保健係 Department of Environment and Health Gunma Prefecture
日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 = Acta obstetrica et gynaecologica Japonica (ISSN:03009165)
vol.36, no.7, pp.1001-1007, 1984-07-01

群馬県において昭和54年に出生した2,500g以下の低出生体重児の母と,その低出生体重児と地域や出生時期を極力マッチさせ出生体重が3,000~4,000gの正常児の母との間で症例一対照研究を行ない以下の結果を得た.1)低出生体重児には女児が多く,新生児期の死亡率は8.1%で,体重別にみた予後は1,500g未満の場合に悪い,2)低出生体重児に関与すると思われる妊娠前の危険因子としては年齢,体格,月経歴,既往歴等がある.3)社会医学的要因には職業,学歴,喫煙,睡眠時間,母子健康手帳の交付時期,健診回数等があげられる.4)妊娠中の危険因子としては,流早産徴候としての出血,腹痛や貧血,妊娠中毒症等が関与している.5)低出生体重児には多胎,骨盤位,前置胎盤,早期剥離などに伴うことが多い.A case-control study was made in Gunma Prefecture of 1,390 mothers of babies born weighing 2,500 grams or less and an equal number of mothers of 3,000-up to-4,000 gram babies matched by place and month of birth. A correlation was found between low birth weight babies and maternal age, stature, menstrual history and past history. The mother's occupation, educational career, smoking habits, amount of sleep each day, date of issue of the Mother's Handbook and the number of the periodical health examinations received can be listed as socio-medical factors. Bleeding and lower abdominal pain during pregnancy, anemia and toxemia of pregnancy are found as prenatal factors. Low-birth-weight babies are found to be correlated with multiple pregnancy, breech presentation, placenta previa and premature separation of the placenta, also.


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