片平 清昭 須田 滉
神経外科 (ISSN:03872572)
vol.18, no.5, pp.401-407, 1978-07-15

The present study was designed to investigate the question whether or not unilateral lesion to the amygdala and its adjacent structures in cats produces significant change in sexual and fire-avoidance behavior. After the unilateral amygdalectomy, both male and female cats showed hyperactivity of sexual behavior, indicating successive estrus which was unobserved in normal cats during the regular mating seasons. Moreover, the anuygda-lectomized subjects did not show the fire-avoidance behavior. This disappearance of fire-avoidance behavior lasted over five weeks. It is considered that this result was due to psychic blindness, or visual agnosia, which Kluver and Bucy mentioned in monkeys after bilateral resection of the temporal lobes. The present finding implies that individual differences in sexual behavior appear to depend on the neural basis of the amygdala in adult cats, supporting an assumption that the amygdala is a controlling center of sexual and emotional behavior which is one of the principal role of the limbic system.


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こんな論文どうですか? 大脳辺縁系の部分的損傷による行動異常 : ネコにおける扁桃核の一側性テ摘除効果(片平 清昭ほか),1978 https://t.co/DKT0s4fH8r

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