越山 篤 藤井 邦英 有田 恒一郎
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.62, no.602, pp.3793-3801, 1996-10-25

This paper describes new mechanisms, principle, control methods, computer simulation and experimental results of the second version of an all-direction steering-type mobile robot which has a spherical monowheel. Basic simulation results of straight running and rotation coincide with experimental results of the robot, and these results clarified, firstly, relationships between center of gravity and running ability of the robot, and secondly, the relationships between the robot's rotational angle and friction torque of the spherical wheel with the ground. Furthermore, it was confirmed experimentally that the new robot has high maneuverability, such as omnidirectional travel with zero-turning-radius rotation on any kind of surface. Therefore, it is expected that the spherical-wheeled robot developed here can be applicable as a safe personal service robot that can work with human beings in a limited space.


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