小林 宏 鈴木 星子 高橋 久憲 丹下 明 菊池 耕生
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.66, no.648, pp.2778-2783, 2000-08-25

This paper deals with the method in order to realize automatic contour extraction of facial organs such as eyebrows, eyes and a mouth for the time-wise deformed frontal face. Because Snakes which is one of the most famous method to extract contour, has several issues, we propose a new method to overcome these issues. We define the elastic contour model in order to hold the contour shape and then determine the elastic energy acquired by the amount of modification of the elastic contour model. Also we utilize the image energy obtained by brightness differences of the control points on the elastic contour model. Applying the dynamic programming method, we determine the contour position where the total value of the elastic energy and the image energy becomes minimum. By using 1/30s time-wise frontal face image, we renew the elastic contour model and then realized automatic contour extraction for the time-wise deformed face. Employing facial images in terms of 6 typical facial expressions obtained from 20 subjects, we have estimate our method and find the high accuracy automatic contour extraction in terms of eyes, eyebrows and a mouth.


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こんな論文どうですか? 正面表情顔画像における顔器官輪郭の自動抽出(小林 宏ほか),2000 http://t.co/FfVmNCfH

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