田中 忠良 山田 幸生 石黒 博 竹内 正顕 山下 衛 小竹 進
日本機械学会論文集 B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.55, no.515, pp.p2018-2023, 1989-07

The body temperatures of anesthetized patients under going operations decrease gradually because control of the body temperature is suppressed and the temperature of the operating room is kept lower than the body temperature. In order to prevent a patient's body temperature from lowering during an operation, a mat with hot-water circulation is often used. However, it has been reported that burn injuries occasionally occur in such cases, even when no defect in temperature setting and control of the mat is found. The mechanism causing this burn injury has not been determined. This report analyzes the heat transfer of a body-mat system simulated by a simplified model to examine the possibility and mechanism of such burn injuries. The analysis discusses the effects of hot-water flow rates, hot-water temperature and metabolic heat generation on body temperature. It is found that burn injury can occur, particularly in the high metabolic state, when heat transfer by the blood flow is negligible and the rate of water flowing into the mat is reduced considerably.


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“CiNii 論文 -  温水マットによる火傷発生要因の検討 : 温水マットにより人体を加温した場合の熱移動の理論解析” http://t.co/dbTgC8DT
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