藤沢 延行 Adrian Ronald J.
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.63, no.607, pp.818-823, 1997-03-25

A new calibration technique of liquid crystal thermometry has been introduced to the quantitative measurement of temperature in a thermal fluid and applied to the study of turbulent thermal convection. The present calibration technique improves the accuracy of temperature measurement in comparison with the classical calibration technique with hue. Three-dimensional temperature measurement of turbulent thermal convection over a horizontal smooth surface is carried out at a flux Rayleigh number of 3×10^9 by scanning a light sheet normal to the image plane and capturing a number of sequential visualized images. The spatial temperature distributions of thermal plumes over a horizontal surface are demonstrated by the reconstruction of isothermal contour surfaces and various cross-sectional views of the plumes. These results indicate the presence of a polygonal cell structure close to the surface and the generation of plumes at the intersections of high-temperature lines.


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こんな論文どうですか? 感温液晶を用いた温度場の3次元計測と乱流熱対流研究への応用(藤沢 延行ほか),1997 http://t.co/P1H6bL1v

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