渡辺 力夫 橋村 一正 冨田 信之 竹前 俊昭
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2000, no.4, pp.525-526, 2000-07-31

The propulsive characteristics of water rockets have been analyzed experimentally by the thrust test stand. It can measure the unsteady thrust force acting on a PET bottle and the air pressure inside the bottle simultaneously. The result of the observation by a video camera shows that air precedes water when it is about to be discharged entirely, and the measured thrust history indicates that it decreases suddenly then. We have developed a flow regulator to reduce the precursor air discharge which is considered as a result of the swirling flow inside the bottle. The experimental results show that the air discharge is suppressed and the thrust history is improved to have a potential for higher altitude.


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