岸本 正司
日本法政学会法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.33, pp.111-132, 1997-05-15

1. Introduction I remarked the reason why I selected the theme, and the necessity of considering the system legally and culturally, which is described from a different point of view comparing with other postwar treatises on the Constitution of Japan. 2. The purpose, nature, and problems of this sytem I calssified some main interpretations of the Constituton focussing on the system. And then I showed the limitations of postwar explanations for consistency between the system and Japanese society's condition. Plus I wrote I and other specialists could not present a significant vision for the future from the postwar viewpoints. 3. The Judical Precedents of the Review of the Supreme Court I analized the precedent of the Supreme Court in 1952. And I looked over the background of the precedent which states the system of the review of the Supreme Court is that of recall. 4. The Origin of the system and the Revision from Japanese Conception I investigated throughly the process in which the legal system was added into the Constitution for the first time. And I researched into the reason why the original model of the review system has been changed into the present one. 5. Conclusion In conclusion, I specified three main points of legal culture or conception in Japan, which come from Japanese mentality. Second, I examined both the theory for retaining the system and that for abolishing the system. Finally, I concluded that the system should be abolished after these considerations.


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こんな論文どうですか? 最高裁判所裁判官国民審査制度の法文化論的考察(岸本 正司),1997 http://t.co/r9dpkteV

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