三輪 晴啓
駒沢女子大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13408631)
vol.9, pp.227-234, 2002-12-24

Schroder's government will continue to rule Germany for another four years as a result of a narrow victory in the general elections held in September 2001. A coalotion of the two ruling parties, the Social Democrats and the Greens, were elected over their conservative opponents. It appears that twelve years after Reunification, the German People prefer a government with middle-lefts at the helm. In the second term, Schroder, however, will face serious chalenges, both domestic and international and ranging from political to economic and social problems-- many of which still remain after more than a decade of Reunification. Among his first acts will be to take effective measures against a stagnant economy; perhaps the most important crisis facing him will be to repair the damage caused to U. S. - Germany relations by Schroder's recent speech denouncing U. S. policy vis-a-vie Iraq.


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こんな論文どうですか? シュレーダー中道左派政権、続投へ ドイツ総選挙で与党連合が逆転勝利(三輪 晴啓ほか),2002 https://t.co/fD9x8rRrFY Schroder's government will continue to r…
こんな論文どうですか? シュレーダー中道左派政権、続投へドイツ総選挙で与党連合が逆転勝利(三輪 晴啓ほか),2002 https://t.co/fD9x8rRrFY
こんな論文どうですか? シュレーダー中道左派政権、続投へドイツ総選挙で与党連合が逆転勝利(三輪 晴啓ほか),2002 https://t.co/WVtnlZTtww
こんな論文どうですか? シュレーダー中道左派政権、続投へドイツ総選挙で与党連合が逆転勝利(三輪 晴啓),2002 http://t.co/3qDDGeJX31
こんな論文どうですか? シュレーダー中道左派政権、続投へドイツ総選挙で与党連合が逆転勝利(三輪 晴啓),2002 http://t.co/3qDDGeJX31

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