森下 眞行 上田 篤嗣
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.55, pp.314-315, 2008-06-20

This paper describes our study of the Design Development for UD (Universal Design) Learning Support Games. The purpose of the activities is to make a game that children and adults can learn UD happily. Another intention is to contribute to the business for the diffusion of UD in Okayama. We had two monitor-investigations of this game to school children. The game of the final form was displayed in Manabipia Okayama 2007. It got much popularity. From now on, it will be applied for the community, in terms of disaster protection, environmental problems.


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こんな論文どうですか? P06 UD学習支援ゲームデザイン開発 : UD学習ゲーム「ぐるぐるももっちUDハート大作戦」(心「こころ」とデザイン,第55回春季研究発表大会)(森下 眞行ほか),2008 http://t.co/IGxYrNUZ

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