杉本 ゆか 齋藤 理一郎
関東甲信越英語教育学会誌 (ISSN:21858993)
no.27, pp.141-153, 2013-03-01

This is a practical report on "remedial English" in a flexible-time (part-time) high school. Nowadays, flexible-time high schools have a diversity of students: those who haven't gone to junior high school adequately, those who have learning disabilities or other developmental disabilities, and those who are non-Japanese. In general, these students are not ready to study in terms of both motivation and basic knowledge. In order to have them motivated and encourage them to learn, instruction with small steps is essential. This report suggests three activities in a remedial class: (1) training of spelling with phonics, (2) visualizing POS, (3) describing grammatical awareness. Moreover, the number of non-Japanese students has been increasing in flexible-time high school recently. Support class for their Japanese language becomes necessary even in high school. This report also introduces supporting activities of Japanese language class in a flexible-time high school.


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【情報が欲しいです】 中学校での、外国籍生徒に対する「日本語支援」についてです。 僕が住む近隣地域では、授業時間中の取り出しによる「日本語支援」が行なわれているケースが多いです。3年前に論文執筆のために独自の調査をしたところ、最大で30授業時間中24時間という学校もあり、取り出しが行なわれる教科は、国語はもちろん、社会や理科、技術家庭科のような実技科目まで多岐に渡りました。 問題は、取り出し教科 ...

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