山崎 健介
vol.1, no.6, pp.53-63, 2006

The problematic situation of cram schools at Japan is discussed. After the end of WW2, the fluctuation of society, equalization economic income and change of employment market had influenced the people's demands to regular educational organization. As a result of it, expansion of cram industy for the entrance exam of famous schools. Compared with competition and preparation for exam at before WW2, lowering age of competitor children, lack of experience and philosophy about education at parents generation, mechanical-industrialization of cram schools are confirmed at after WW2 society. As a result of those tendency, violation of human rights of children and interference to scientific sound growth and health of children are confirmed. Additionally, with the change of social structure and internationalization, future educational opportunity and employment security for the children with knowledge biased education have not been enough guaranteed. For the solution for these problems; legist ration and administration of children's human rights of refusal to go to cram with their wishes, Application and Attaching importance of result of regular education and social activities like sports, arts, local welfare, environmental activities toward entrance exam and employment selection by educational organization and employ societies. Allocation of high rate to sports/health education, agro-fishery education, scientific education, business education, and maister education at the regular educational curriculum, Public assistance and life security toward managers and labors of present cram schools for the changeover and transfer of educational job contents adjusting to new educational system, Adaptation of social employment system and industries and educational system of human resources toward global internationalization and international society, are discussed as the necessity.


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こんな論文どうですか? 日本国における児童の健全な生育のための塾制度の問題点と、野外文化教育への改善への提言(山崎 健介),2006 https://t.co/4d09xLZHeN The problematic situation of cram…

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