木戸 彩恵
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.55, pp.365-375, 2009

Makeup behavior is an act to make intentional processing on a body mainly on the face. It is important for self and communication with the other person. Above all, the particularly psychological role is extremely big. In such meaning, makeup behavior is narrative. The aim of this thesis is to review the research of makeup behavior and to find the possibility of future research. Firstly, I reviewed the former makeup researches in the field of psychological study. Second. I discussed the social role of makeup behavior in personal interaction. After that, I pointed out the need for research about how the self and the other are generate the makeup behavior. Therefore I quoted the dialogue theory of Bakhtin and his concept of the "addressee." To understand makeup behavior more deeply, it is important to clarify the interactive relationship between self and -other. It is thought that these concepts help to find the self-other interaction of a particular "addressee" from the view-point of makeup behavior and the psychological transformation that goes with it.


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