山本 美佐子 水島 禮子 堀込 和代 木浪 智佳子 萬 美奈子 三国 久美 ヤマモト ミサコ ミズシマ レイコ ホリゴメ カズヨ キナミ チカコ ヨロズ ミナコ ミクニ クミ Misako Yamamoto Reiko Mizushima Kazuyo Horigome Tikako Kinami Minako Yorozu Kumi Mikuni
北海道医療大学看護福祉学部学会誌 = Journal of School of Nursing and Social Services, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido
vol.3, no.1, pp.7-14, 2007-03-31

本研究の目的は,NICUに入院した子ども(以下NICU児)の母親の対児感情と母性意識の入院中から退院後1年間の経時的変化と,満期産児の母親との比較による特徴を明らかにすることである.接近と回避の下位尺度から成る対児感情評定尺度と育児肯定,育児否定,葛藤,成長志向から成る母性意識尺度を用い,入院中・退院後3ヶ月前後・退院後1年前後の調査を行った結果,以下のことが明らかになった.1)子どもへの接近は,入院中は満期産の母親よりも有意に低く,在胎過数と正の相関が見られたが,退院後は増加し1年後には在胎過数による相関も,満期産との差も見られなくなった.2)成長志向得点は入院中満期産と比較し有意に低く,退院後は職業との相関が見られた.育児肯定得点は入院中のみ初産のNICU児の母親が有意に低かった.NICUに入院する子どもの母親には,特に入院初期,初産で在胎過数が少ないほど母親のこころの回復過程を見守りながら,母子の相互交流を手助けする看護の重要性が確認された.The aim of this study was to determine changes in maternal consciousness and feelings toward babies admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) , and to compare their characteristics with mothers who had given birth to full-term infants. Two scales were used in this study : (1) a rating scale of feelings toward babies based on a measurement of approach and avoidance, and (2) a maternal consciousness scale that measured infant care, childcare rejection, complications, and growth. Data was collected three times : during hospitalization, three months after discharge, and one year after discharge. 1) Mothers of NICU infants were significantly less likely to approach their infants during hospitalization than mothers of full-term infant births with a positive correlation with the number of weeks of pregnancy lacking for a full-term birth. However, after hospital discharge, the degree to which mothers of NICU infants approached their infants increased. After one year, there was no correlation with weeks of pregnancy, and the previous difference with full-term infant births became indistinguishable. 2) Growth scores for NICU infants of mothers who had been discharged were significantly lower when compared with those during hospitalization. Furthermore, a correlation between infant growth and employment was found among mothers after hospital discharge. Infant care scores of mothers of NICU infants were significantly lower for mothers who were having their first child. For mothers of infants admitted to NICU, especially for mothers giving birth for the first time or being hospitalized for the first time, it is important for nurses to encourage a mutual exchange between mother and infant while also ensuring that the mother recovers psychologically.


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こんな論文どうですか? NICUに入院した子どもの母親の対児感情と母性意識の変化と特徴 : 入院時から退院後1年間における変化と満期産児の母親との比較(山本 美佐子ほか),2007 https://t.co/NS6erspTYm

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