村瀬 幸浩 ムラセ ユキヒロ
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU
vol.8, pp.113-131, 2013-03-31

The theogy of <Sex=Instinct> is still causing problems whenconsidering sexual education.Basically,by continuing to ask what kindof instinct this is,it sustains procreation.However,there is no suchinstinct.It is quite ordinary nowadays that there are peopre who decidedthey do not want children,or people who cannot have children,orpeople who will not have sex,or people who do not want to get mariied.In fact,the reasons people choose to have sex,and with whom theypartner,and their reasons for doing so,differ depending on their way oflife and their ideas about life.Thereorore, it is important to create ourunderstanding based on <Sex=Cultre>.Further,it is necessary to learnabout sex apart from misunderstandings regarding sex,sexualdiscrimination and stereotypes. The goal of teaching about sex is to help people think about theirway of life and decide how they want sex to be.Within the realm ofteaching,three ropics should be addressed:science,relationshipsand diversity.Scnience allows us to learn about sex based on facts andreality.For example,in order to understand birth cotrol and how to avoid pregnancy,we must understand female biorhythms.Additionally,to understand gender identity disorder,we should learn about birthand how life begins.Relationships give perspective,forcing peopleto think deeply about how good and bad sex reflect good and badcommunication.The division between pleasurable sex and sexualviolence is also shared in this point of view.Diversity is inside all of us,which means that erotic attraction is not formed in or based on whetheryou are called a man or a woman.Diversity is a human condition.Myargument is based on these three perspectives.


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