小田 登志子
東京経済大学人文自然科学論集 (ISSN:04958012)
no.136, pp.99-116, 2015

TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)has received much attention in recent years. For average college students in Japan, however, TOEFL is too advanced to tackle. Therefore, in many universities it is not clear how TOEFL can be incorporated into their English education, especially whenstudents are non-English majors. The purpose of this study is to report the result of the TOEFL fee subsidy system that was conducted at Tokyo Keizai University for three years from 2011-2013. Main findings are : 1)Only very small number of students who wish to study abroad were interested in taking TOEFL.Nevertheless, 2)the subsidy system helped the university to find potential applicants for exchange programs and better serve them.


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こんな論文どうですか? 「普通の大学生」のためのTOEFL iBT受験料助成の試み(小田 登志子),2015 https://t.co/k73dEcKPTQ
こんな論文どうですか? 「普通の大学生」のためのTOEFL iBT受験料助成の試み(小田 登志子),2015 https://t.co/8KKdtkNUMU

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