高浜 信行 Takahama Nobuyuki
新潟大学積雪地域災害研究センター研究年報 (ISSN:03877892)
vol.12, pp.25-36, 1991-03

The author outlined several huge modern landslides in the northern part of the Central Japan. They are the 1947 Maseguchi, 1962-1964 Matsunoyama and Mizunasi, 1964 Kurumi・Kunimi and 1983 Uchiyama landslides and the presently active Takisaka, Tochiyama, and Kurumi・Kunimi landslides. The areas of the landslides are of the order of 10 m. The maximum depth of the slip surface is 135m of the Takisaka landslide. The triggers of these landslides are heavy rain fall, rapid and a great amount of snow melting, earthquake and artificial causes, but there are some landslides with unknown triggered. Fortunately, these landslides had no damage of human life, because of its slow movement. But, they had brought the severe and big damages of houses, roads, agricultural land, etc.. It is an important fact that they are reactivation of the huge ancient primary landslides. The present landslides have been strongly controlled by the primary landslides. Therefore, the investigation of the slip surfaces and cracks originated by primary landslides is a basic theme for the prediction and countermeasure of the secondary landslides.


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こんな論文どうですか? 新潟・北陸地方における現代の巨大地すべり(予報)(高浜 信行ほか),1991 https://t.co/k7dppX2mnK

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