藤居 尚子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.63, pp.131-143, 2017

本稿では近年,質的研究における調査面接と心理臨床面接とがSullivan(19531976)の「関与しながらの観察」の点で共通性が増してきたことをまず指摘した。次にセンシティブな話題に関する調査面接の特徴を概説し,それにあたり精神分析での逆転移の概念とその取り扱いを援用することの有用性を述べた。その際Sullivanから発展した対人関係論的精神分析の観点に依拠した。センシティブな話題に関する調査面接ではインタビュアーも激しく感情的に巻き込まれる。その感情は精神分析での逆転移と同一ではないが,その感情を逆転移の取り扱いを参考に吟味することで①インタビュアーの「共感的な中立性」(Patton, 1990)の維持,②センシティブな話題の面接での適切な境界保持に役立つことを論じた。ただし得られる情報の妥当性やフィードバック,インタビュアーの訓練とサポートの点で留意する必要がある旨を述べた。This paper first highlights the recent emphasis on similarities between qualitative research interviews and psychotherapeutic interviews in that both share the nature of Sullivan's (1953) "participant observation." Second, the author overviews sensitive research and argues how the reference to the psychoanalytical concept and technique of addressing countertransference can be beneficial for sensitive research. The argument is built on Interpersonal psychoanalysis, which evolved from Sullivan's theory. In sensitive research interviews, not only the interviewee but also the interviewer tend to be intensely emotionally engaged with each other. Although feelings held in the interviewer are not the same as countertransference in psychoanalysis itself, implementing analysis of the interviewer's feelings in a similar way as addressing countertransference in psychoanalysis can help the interviewer 1) to maintain an attitude of what Patton (1990) calls "empathic neutrality, " and 2) to keep proper boundary between the interviewee and the interviewer in sensitive research interviews. The author also explores some points that need to be addressed when including analysis of the interviewer's feelings in the research design; validity of the data, consideration on feedback, and training and support for the interviewer.


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