祐乗坊 由利ジョディー Hsu Jesse Chaikul Rasami Leichsenring Andrew
[The Center for English as Lingua Franca, Tamagawa University]
The Center for ELF journal (ISSN:21890463)
vol.3, pp.80-86, 2017-04

There has been a wellspring of interest in recent years in the quality and characterof learning spaces and their overall impact on teaching and learning processes. Asthe trend of academic institutions, from primary to tertiary, introducing new learningenvironments that blend innovation, technology, and flexibility continues, researchthat evaluates and enhances their post-occupancy use becomes increasingly critical.This article provides a brief overview of the newly constructed learning spaces at theELF Study Hall and describes their influence on language teaching and learning basedon surveys administered to 1610 students and 29 teachers and personal observationof the spaces. There appears to be a significant link between student satisfaction withthe learning spaces, especially with various attributes of the new facilities, and aperceived impact on language learning. This preliminary report is meant to guidefuture investigation on how new learning spaces influence pedagogical choices andlearner experience in an ELF-informed language program setting.


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こんな論文どうですか? ELF Study Hallにおける新たな学修環境に関する考察と評価(祐乗坊 由利ジョディーほか),2017 https://t.co/6faZmawOut
こんな論文どうですか? ELF Study Hallにおける新たな学修環境に関する考察と評価(祐乗坊 由利ジョディーほか),2017 https://t.co/6faZmawOut

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