宮田 純
国士舘大学 アジア・日本研究センター
Asia Japan Journal = AJ Journal = AJJ = アジア・日本研究センター紀要
no.13, pp.1-23, 2018-03-20

Honda Toshiaki (1743-1821) is a well-known wasan scholar of the Edo period, who also excelled in astronomy, geography, navigational technology, and economic development. In this study, attempts are made to analyze the influence of Mogami Tokunai (1755-1836) on Honda's northeastern development policy. Mogami, a Honda disciple, went on an exploratory trip to Hokkaido and the Kuril Islands in 1785-86, and written a comprehensive observation report on endemic folkways of Ainu, and most importantly, the notable presence of the Russians in the area. This observation was ultimately presented to the shogunal officer in Iturup. Mogami wrote that Russians appeared in Iturup Island before 1785, contacted the Ainu there, and voiced a strong wish to negotiate with the Tokugawa government. Mogami's teacher Honda read this report in Edo before 1788, and authored a book about development policy in 1795 based on Mogami's survey. In this book titled 'Shizen-chido-no-ben', Honda insisted that Tokugawa shogunate should control the islands of Urup, Iturup, Kunashir, and Sakhalin as traditional Japanese territory. A considerable influence of Mogami's observation report is identifiable in this Honda's book.


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