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こんな論文どうですか? カオナシの民法学:公共政策大学院で「民法」を学ぶ意義(得津 晶),2020 https://t.co/WICVyryPlV 論説:Articles…
こんな論文どうですか? カオナシの民法学:公共政策大学院で「民法」を学ぶ意義(得津 晶),2020 https://t.co/WICVyrgG7N 論説:Articles…
Yatta! My article was listed in CiNii, a datebase for academic works in Japan! https://t.co/47PNjZa6Cg It took 6 months since the publication on my department's online journal. I hope the time gap will be shorter!

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