下村 理
The Crystallographic Society of Japan
日本結晶学会誌 (ISSN:03694585)
vol.32, no.5, pp.239-253, 1990

10 years have past since a system for experiments under high pressure and temperature using synchrotron radiation, named MAX80, was planned to be installed in the Photon Factory. Many scientifically interesting activities in various fields have been done using MAX80. The development of this system has been performed intensively by high pressure community of Japan in cooperation with synchrotron radiation group. The process of the development, outline of the system and typical applications are described.


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こんな論文どうですか? 高温高圧下での放射光実験用システムの開発(下村 理),1990 https://t.co/wf9r6jyXrP 10 years have past since a …

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