嘉数 啓
島嶼研究 (ISSN:18847013)
vol.2002, no.3, pp.1-16, 2002
1 1

Issues of self-reliant development or ownership have been discussed ever since developing countries gained their political independence. The issues have been particularly keen in small, isolated island economies where resource bases are extremely limited. The paper examines key approaches to the issues such as balance of payments, industrial structure and environmental sustainability.<br>The paper attempts to provide an answer to small islands' seemingly eternal questions: how can we achieve economic self-reliance? Or more specifically, how we can achieve sustainable development without relying heavily on external aid? Every conscientious planner now recognizes that the past process of economic development through deepening dependency on external aid is not only unsustainable in the long run, but also the process is inconsistent with the strategy of self-reliance.<br>A diversified development model has been proposed for Okinawa. The model is intended to make full use of island's strategic locatio natural and hum an resources capacity and capability, and aspirations. It would compete in global market because it is designed to harness island's comparative advantages in tourism through promoting tourism-related &ldquo;niche&rdquo; industries.


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こんな論文どうですか? 島嶼経済の自立をめぐる諸問題(嘉数 啓),2002 https://t.co/DLyeuW7DF5 Issues of self-reliant development or ownersh…

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