吉新 裕昭 渡部 計輝
The Japan Medical Library Association
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.54, no.2, pp.132-137, 2007

At Dokkyo Medical University Library, we propose to introduce the Link Resolver, which allows easy search and easy access to the searched documents, for the convenience of the users.<br>However, there was the journal article written about Link Resolver, but the journal article written about introduction was not found.<br>In this article, we compiled the process that our library passed through by introduction as a case report.<br>We examined what kind of product was released, and we compared each system and looked for each characteristic, the advantages and disadvantages.<br>Last we outline the settings required before entering the contract, the publicity work required, measures for maintenance, and the protocol of a survey of users' reactions.


外部データベース (DOI)

Wikipedia (1 pages, 1 posts, 1 contributors)

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