松浦 誠 片島 三朗
Japan Foundry Engineering Society
鋳物 (ISSN:00214396)
vol.54, no.10, pp.675-680, 1982

The effect of the jolt impact on the compaction of molding sand was investigated by measuring the acceleraion of the jolt table at the impact of jolting using a piezo-electric accelerometer. The mold density is directly influenced by the condition of the impact acting on the jolt table. The average mold density becomes higher as the magnitude of acceleration and the duration of impact of the jolt table increase. The acceleration inside the mold during jolting was also examined and it's behavior was anaslyzed in relation to the compaction process of molding sand. Further, experiments on the sand flow and mold density distribution in the mold were carried out. The mechanism of jolt compaction of molding sand is discussed.


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こんな論文どうですか? 鋳物砂の充てんに及ぼすジョルトの衝撃作用(松浦 誠ほか),1982 https://t.co/R7Qp3VL4bk   The effect of the j…

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