Rana Sohel Hossain Fahim Roy Shuvangkor Shusmoy Mitra Suman Kumar
Asian Electric Vehicle Society
Journal of Asian Electric Vehicles (ISSN:13483927)
vol.11, no.1, pp.1635-1644, 2013

The paper contains primary data based analysis on the role played by Battery Operated Auto-rickshaws in urban transportation system. Different aspects of battery operated auto-rickshaw, such as energy consumption rate, transport related emission attenuation rate, potentials of generating income and employment, trip characteristics, problems associated etc have been explored with a view to providing a generalized idea on the mode. The paper would provide guidelines to the policy makers of a country regarding whether and how to incorporate the mode in the local town's transportation system. Battery operated auto-rickshaw offers lower travel cost than rickshaw, greater travel comfort than other urban para-transits like auto tempo, nosimon and public transport like minibus, and therefore attracts passengers significantly from those modes. Around 88 % of people living in a city where battery operated auto-rickshaws are available, avail the mode now to meet their travel demand. Through attracting passengers from fuel operated vehicles, the mode has replaced them at great extent. A considerable percentage of daily electricity demand of local towns is being consumed by this mode which is creating pressure on local electricity supply in turn. However, considering the duration and period of load shedding caused due to recharging this mode, energy consumption by the mode can be negotiated as it is liable for only 1.53 hours of load shedding a day which takes place at off-peak period at night. The mode is economically beneficial in case of investment too as it involves an income-cost ratio of 1.85. From operator's point of view, driving of the mode as an occupation involves lower investment cost, greater earning, more comfort and occupational freedom than other occupations available in local towns for low income people.


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こんな論文どうですか? The Role of Battery Operated Auto-Rickshaw in the Transportation System of a Cit(Rana Sohelほか),2013 … https://t.co/rK9VXgjgH9

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