佐々木 繁 佐藤 龍哉 岩瀬 洋道 後藤 敏行
vol.1985, no.26, pp.1-8, 1985-07-18

We developed a high-speed image processing system called IDATEN which can continuously process time-varying images at video speed. The basic design concept was the improvement of overall performance of the image processor system by adopting a new architecture. This paper proposes a "variable- structure pipeline" architecture which uses a network to allow communication among any of the processing modules. We expanded the Benes multi-stage switching network to produce a flexible high-speed pipeline processor. The experiments show the ease of programming and the effectiveness of this system.We developed a high-speed image processing system called IDATEN, which can continuously process time-varying images at video speed. The basic design concept was the improvement of overall performance of the image processor system by adopting a new architecture. This paper proposes a "variable- structure pipeline" architecture, which uses a network to allow communication among any of the processing modules. We expanded the Benes multi-stage switching network to produce a flexible, high-speed pipeline processor. The experiments show the ease of programming and the effectiveness of this system.


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こんな論文どうですか? 構造可変型ビデオレート画像処理システム『韋駄天』(佐々木 繁ほか),1985 https://t.co/Ums0ccMPXz

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