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季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.49, no.2, pp.32-42, 2012-07-20

I created a word 'income of the right to live' in 1999. I have an original idea before basic income in trend. There is a process to reconsider theoretically 'the restoration of Socialism' since the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 and to get legal perspective to reach it. "The Socialist Calculation Debate" spread internationally in 1920s must be learned. Anti-Socialist Ludwig Mises said labor and distribution are separated in the Socialism. Apart from his recognition, that must be used. I think humans have a right to live from birth. Also it was cleared economy could not be operated by "the elimination of price law" Karl Marx said. Economic calculation, that need to value products, and 'the disclosure of information' were needed. An Austrian jurist Anton Menger said the right to live was the cores of Socialism, also the Weimar Constitution. Marxists were hostile to it because they opposed law. They should overcome that limit. The cores of 'the income of the right to live' are (1) to realize the right and (2) to link to eliminate relation between "wage labor and capital". Commoditized labor-power must be eliminated to overcome a capitalist economy. Those embodiments are to realize that. Benefit of it is set up a hundred thousand yen per month for each person (except child and old). 'The Employment tax' is proposed. Capitalists pay the tax which is the same amount of benefit to states from labor's wages. Labors get the rest by capitalists andbenefit by states. This tax covers over half of financial resources. The rest are covered by other tax which made by tax reform. Finally, possibilities of it are argued. There is an opinion "social-welfare measures could be cut, if basic income were established." That is wrong. 'The income of the right to live' and social-welfare measures could coexist.


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