戸邉 秀明 トベ ヒデアキ Tobe Hideaki
社会科学 = The social sciences (ISSN:04196759)
vol.42, no.4, pp.27-47, 2013-02

論説(Article)本稿は,20世紀後半の日本における代表的な朝鮮近代史家であり,「内在的発展論」の主導者と目された梶村秀樹(1935~89年)の研究課題や方法の変遷について,同時代の日本歴史学の動向全体のなかに位置づけ,梶村の歴史研究の史学史的位置づけを検証する試みである。特に,梶村が晩年まで方法的革新を図り,国家と民衆の2つに焦点を結ぶ朝鮮近代史の全体像を追究した軌跡を,「戦後歴史学」とよばれる思想潮流との関係で位置づけている。It is required to understand the Japanese social sciences in the late 20th century, especially the academic movements that called "post-war historiography", to capture the development of the research agenda and methodical viewpoint by Kajimura Hideki(1935-89). This article aims to explore the Kajimura' s historiography on the modern Korean history in the trend of historiography in post-war Japan. Kajimura tried to innovate his own methodical viewpoint until shortly before his death, and pursued the overall picture of the modern history of Korea which links the two focuses of "state" and "people". This article traces the development of his viewpoint of "development".