Namihira Takao Tsukamoto Shunsuke Wang Douyan Hori Hideo Katsuki Sunao Hackam Reuben Akiyama Hidenori Shimizu Masaru Yokoyama Kenichi ナミヒラ タカオ ツカモト シュンスケ ホリ ヒデオ カツキ スナオ アキヤマ ヒデノリ シミズ マサル ヨコヤマ ケンイチ オウ トエン 浪平 隆男 勝木 淳 秋山 秀典 王 斗艶
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
vol.29, no.4, pp.592-598, 2001-08
8 49

A short duration of 100-ns pulsed power has been used to remove nitric oxide (NO) in a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, and NO, simulating flue gases from a power station. The effects of the gas flow rate, the reactor length, and the pulse repetition rate on the percentage of NO removal and its energy efficiency are reported. The percentage of NO removal at a fixed gas flow rate increased with increasing pulse repetition rate due to the increased energy into the discharge. At a fixed pulse rate, the removal of NO increased with decreasing gas flow rate due to the increased residence time of the gas in the discharge reactor, thus facilitating the creation of increased radicals of O and N which then decreased NO. The energy removal efficiency of NO (in mol/kWh) decreased with increasing gas flow rate and increasing removal ratio of NO. The removal of NO increased with increasing energy density (J/I) input into the discharge at different reactor length.