タンヤウイット ポンポー 山口 晴幸
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
地球環境シンポジウム講演論文集 (ISSN:18848419)
vol.9, pp.263-272, 2001-07-18 (Released:2011-06-27)

The investigations of coastal environment were performed from February 1997 to December 2000 at 620 places of Japan island seashores. The number of garbage drifted in seashores was counted and it was also divided according to its type and nationality. It is confirmed that large number of garbage have drifted from Japan and neighborhood countries such as China, Taiwan, Korea and Russia. In this study, the actual condition of coastal pollution by the drifted garbage is mainly described by the investigation in 2000. The ocean currents seem to be controlled the drifting direction of garbage. In Japan Sea, the high possibility that the most of garbage is drifted along Kuroshio and Tsushima Ocean current is pointed out. The investigation result of the remote islands in Japan Sea, Okinawa islands and Thailand seashores are arranged and compared.