三石 清子 宮地 文子 高橋 勝貞 依田 典子 友松 崇悟
佐久大学看護研究雑誌 = Saku University journal of nursing (ISSN:18836593)
vol.5, no.1, pp.21-29, 2013

A survey was conducted on foot trouble and the living conditions of 96 aged individuals(43 men and 53 women)who were attending day facilities in the Tohshin area of Nagano Prefecture. The project was carried out to evaluate the keypoints in planning more eff ective foot care for the aged by the nursing profession.Among those taking advantage of the foot care service, 67.7% were rated at nursing care levels that ranged from 1 to 2. Most of these people visited the facility twice a week; and on the questions on outing that required one to wear shoes, it was found that many tended not to leave their home for strolling or shopping. "Rehabilitation shoes" that are easy to put on and remove were currently preferred by most. They did not describe any discomfort even when their shoes were more than 2 ㎝ larger than the actual measurements of their feet, which indicated a lack of awareness vis-à-vis appropriate shoes. More than 90% of the subjects had some trouble with their feet. No statistically signifi cant correlations were found between their foot troubles and their shoes. However, there were some cases that attested to a need for care at the appropriate time, as illustrated by examples where the patients have been wearing high-heeled shoes since they were young, resulting in" overtoes" and diffi culty in trimming their toe nails.The survey indicated a need to promote foot care programs so that those aged individuals who utilize the day care facilities will retain" healthy feet" and continue to live independently. 長野県東信地域の通所施設を利用している高齢者96 人(男性43 人、女性53 人)の足のトラブルと生活状況について調査し、看護職が行う高齢者のフットケアを充実させるための課題を検討した。 対象者は要介護度1~2 の通所者が全体の67.7%を占め、通所回数は週2 回が多く、靴を履いての外出状況では、散歩や買い物に出かけない者が多い傾向がみられた。現在履いている靴は着脱が簡単な介護靴が多く、足の長径の実測値より2㎝以上大きな靴を履いていても違和感がなく、適切な靴に対する関心の低さが伺えた。対象者の9 割以上が何らかの足のトラブルを抱えていた。足のトラブルと靴の関係性は統計学的に有意な関係は認められなかった。しかし若い頃からヒール靴を履いた結果、重なり指となり、自身で爪きりができなくなった事例から、適切な時期に適切なフットケアを実施する必要性が認められた。 通所高齢者が「歩ける足」を保持し、自立した生活を送るために、フットケアプログラムを推進する必要性が示唆された。