中澤 愈
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
最適化シンポジウム講演論文集 2000.4 (ISSN:24243019)
pp.223-228, 2000-10-03 (Released:2017-06-19)

The methodology of the sportswear design is not yet established. The sportswear is required of the better functions than those of the usual apparels, and its design must always be done with the expressions synergic between the Basic Design (body elements, functions) and the Visual Design (esthetic element, decoration). Especially the former i.e. Body elements, is the basic element of the design, and on its treatment depends the levels of the sportswears. Thus, the way to design purposively, is to analyse a human body anatomically, and to find the joint between the human body and the design. Here as an exemple, the extensibility and the dermatome structure of the skin will be demonstrated. These functions have the deep relations with the motor function, basic function of the sportswear, and will derive the structural principle of the apparel pattern which is its apropriate expression measure.